Can't Stop Laughing

The only logical explanation is that you'd have to be as equally or more insane than she is.
I think they're both kind of full of shit. Its funny though. They must be in love, just annoyed by one another.

Funny funny.
I'd probably have committed spousal abuse many times from what I read. They're both retarded methinks.
That's awesome...
I laughed the most with the whole "watching movies" scenario since I do the same thing. I guess anxiety sits in and makes me want to know everything right then and there...LOL!!!
I though it was stupid. I might have put up with her for a day or two. If she kicked me in the back of the head for driving the "wrong way" in a circle, I would've let her out and never seen her again.
neal said:
ive been reading for a long time and have made very little progess down the page. how could you live like this?

It's far too long, despite its humour.