car stereo EQ


May 7, 2007
wish I knew what my car stereo EQ was doing when I up the bass. there's a tune I'm mixing where if I bump up the bass one notch, it sounds perfect, but I don't know what frequency it's bumping up or what the units represent to mimic in in my DAW. RATS! :erk:

I know my car stereo very well to mix by otherwise!
hehe, I meant to bust it out yesterday but forgot. It's a stock stereo, I doubt it goes into much detail but I'll read that motherfucker tonight!
surely sweeping an eq in your daw boosting the bass in a fairly wide manner will get you in the ballpark, then fine tuning it will get you there?
Yeah, I have a car stereo like that too :saint:
I make a mix I'm happy with, burn a cd and play it only to find the low end all over the place. "It's ok", I tell myself, "it's just the crappy stereo" and then I play some Collin Richardson mix and it sounds pretty damn fine :erk:
the car doesn't lie! I'm surprised someone hasn't designed a mixing station in a studio that's basically a car's interior.
Well I'd like to have a car stereo impulse because it regularly happens that my mixes are not so bad in a couple of different sound systems but then I go in a car and I cry because of the suckyness.

Buy one of these, get a laptop and something like this (the trial will do if you just want to do two impulse response measurements) or this

Then what you need to do is to compare the car response to your speaker response and add an eq that makes them close to equal (tip: make it a preset) to the end of your master bus
Or if the stereo has some output be it headphones or line out you can record the song with the boost and run it through an analyzer.