Just wondering how many of you guys have your...

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
mixing rooms tuned? I'm thinking that even though my room sucks when I pick up monitors it might be in my interest to rent or borrow a spectrum analyzer and fixed band stereo eq and tune my room as best as I can. Or if you know of any that do this automatically and are not super insane in cost that would be cool as well. Honestly I don't know if my room can even be tuned without treatment.
Honestly I don't know if my room can even be tuned without treatment.

i'll jump in 3rd on that bandwagon...you might be able to tune your mix position properly, but the rest of the room will still be all out of whack

get some bass trapping/absorption/diffusion going on 1st, then worry about tuning things up from there
i'll jump in 3rd on that bandwagon...you might be able to tune your mix position properly, but the rest of the room will still be all out of whack

get some bass trapping/absorption/diffusion going on 1st, then worry about tuning things up from there

+1 Stole the words right out of my mouth.
Honestly, I'm afraid to. Because it would lead to two possible outcomes:

1. Obsessively pursuing exquisitely tailored solutions to each problem frequency... at massive costs of time, personal energy, and money


2. A deepened sense of despair at the prohibitive costs in time, money, and personal energy to perfect my room, thereby rendering all creative work pointless or at least poisoned with self-hatred and/or shame

Or, better yet, both, in that order :lol:

That said, I really want a few more bass traps, but I have no corners to put them it.
And who has the ears tuned?
That's most important!

Tuning your monitors to be flat is what I meant. This would have nothing to do with your ears. :D.

I suppose the majority of us are just accustomed to how our monitors translate to the real world without tuning them to be flat with your treated room?

In other words who here has really got there monitors tuned flat?

I would guess unless you have dumped major money into your studio, you just plugged in your monitors directly from your sound-card and off you went (like me).