how many of you guys have built your own studio

Apr 18, 2008
im in the process now of turning the entire first floor of my 50 year old house into a studio approx 1300sq ft of recording soace once its all completed with a control room with a 4'x7' iso booth with sight lines to the engineer and cctv system for 2nd room.. also built a 10'x13' drum room and have to finsh up framing the 8'x10' edit room

day 4 now and were finising up the control room and vocal booth contstruction took 2 days floating the floor to level out 50 years of warped boards and man its a bitch....we hung like 60 sheets of drywall so far and another 40 to go used 25 cases of 2"703 yet still have the ceilings to do in everythign but the drum room and hang up the fabric 4"703 drop ceilings due to the 8ft ceilings......and the fun to come of hanging 3 100lb doors and then almost a mile of wiring after that.....

never feels like its going to end ...i will have pic up in the next few days, when the control room is all neat and not a huge mess

post some pics of your guys to keep me motivated to finish this.....
i wish i knew anything about construction so i could do this

i dont know nothign about construction, but have some very good friends that are really good at it ... they work for beer and pizza, and help all day. i just hold shit and make sure we have what we need to progress and check measurements 10x before anythign gets cut... they wont let me do much.but im good at math, so designing the rooms wasn't a problem..just had to have some firends help me out to do it the right way so i dont fuck it up and blow a small fortune with my no knowledge of construction work ...
Yup. Just starting towards our next big expansion as well. Building an additional rehearsal room which should cover the rent on the additional 12sqM space we've recently taken on which will eventually house our whole recording operation.