I might have just scored a studio....need some suggestions.


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I got to go check out a room yesterday afternoon at our old YMCA, which is now the local Fine Arts Building. I will end up sharing this room with a few people, which is amicable, as it will reduce the cost of rental per month.

The room is actually two rooms, separated by a 6' entryway. Ceilings are 8' tall. Dimensions of the main room are 35'x18', and the secondary room is 13'x16'. Main room is carpeted, secondary room is old wood flooring (gym style). The room is $300/mo (including power & heat + use of bathroom/water down the hall).

I pretty much have the splitting of cost thing down, as there will be 2 drummers looking to have a place to come practice, a drum teacher, and a guitar teacher, and myself looking to have a small studio in the place. Being a tenant allows 24 hr access, which is a plus for those of us wanting to make lots of noise at ungodly hours of the night.

Here's the catch. It's on the 4th floor, with classrooms above and below it. It also has outside walls, which means possible neighborhood noise complaints from people playing drums/cranking amps.

Here's my plan/wish: I want to make isolation booths. I started looking on johnlsayers.com for ideas, but I'd like some input here as well. Here's some pics of the rooms layout for those who care:





So, since I'm sharing this room with 4 other people, I had some ideas (I've yet to talk to them about this, so it's just tenative). Since there are two guys wanting to do lessons, the smaller room area could go as a 'teaching room' and minimal sound dampening could be applied. The equation of a drumset in there, being played while classes above and below are happening, is still problematic unless treated.

I would like to make somewhat of an isolated control room, with sight into another isolated booth so I can have eye contact with a drummer for example. I basically need to isolate this from the floor as much as anything. I actually don't know what goes on and when on the floor above us, but they were explicit about the classroom downstairs having classes often.

Short of buying an isolation booth outright for thousands of dollars (which I cannot afford, especially if I'm looking to share the room with people to defray the costs of rent), I think the most cost effective and personalized way to do this is to make my own isolation booths.

Any thoughts, folks?
I think that it would suck to be leaving thousands of dollars or equipment in a room that you're sharing with 4 other people. Also, people might have their own plans of where they want shit to go, which might not allow you to do much room treatment or place equipment in optimal spots. If everyone wanted a studio then, that's a different story...
I didn't say other 'random' people, they are acquaintances. The two drummers are basically session shoe-ins for projects, they just don't have a place to practice as it is...and as far as with the teachers and thier students, thats why I kind of want isolation booth type shit going on so I can pretty much lock down my areas as needed. I think it sucks that THIS is all the room I have to work with right now:


I hope you agree that THIS sucks!
On top of that, I'll put it this way:

Right now, I don't have anywhere to do anything. I can't afford $300/month at this stage on my own. Seems to be better to have a place to do projects than sit and wish for Andy's sudio to magically appear in my postage stamp sized back yard. Good things start somewhere....
It's worth a shot, but also, it is risky having all your shit around even with people you know, they tend to be some of the worst offenders (i'm looking at you brother.). Settings will always be different and shit like cords and tuners will be in different places and sometimes WHERE THE FUCK IS IT??!?

I say try it and see if you like it. Looks like plenty of room.
I didn't say other 'random' people, they are acquaintances. The two drummers are basically session shoe-ins for projects, they just don't have a place to practice as it is...and as far as with the teachers and thier students, thats why I kind of want isolation booth type shit going on so I can pretty much lock down my areas as needed. I think it sucks that THIS is all the room I have to work with right now:


Ahahahahahahaa, the buried assymetrically-arranged crappy computer speakers complete the package :lol:
Yeah, they are so shitty I don't even bother to properly place them let alone uncover them.

I do most of my production shit with headphones anyways. I use those shit Philips speakers to listen to music and shit on the net, cuz the built-in speakers on the 'top aren't worth a shit.

You should see the subwoofer I have with those shit speakers. My puppy's brief chewing phase involved chewing on the sub. I look at it as a good thing: I could have thrown down a couple hundred for a good setup and had the dog chew on that, but instead he chewed on the shitty $20 setup that I could give a fuck about.