How many of you guys actually....


Aug 29, 2007
Who here actually uses any kind of outboard processing, such as compression, reverbs or anything like that? I just recently started to run my ouputs into an FMR RNC then back into the DAW, and I have to say that the compression on that thing is amazing! For certain things I can hear a much more 3D sound over any plugin Comp that i have. It's not good for everything, but for vocals and parallel compressing the drums. it's freaking sick! Kinda makes me want to buy a few more outboard compressors to see what else they can do Just wondering if anyone else does that and what outboard processors do you use?
I'm getting a Gyraf SSL Stereo Compressor built for me (with the turbo kit), after which I will use it on the master bus of my mixes. I'm actually eyeing some RME cards for that very purposes.

I'm glad to hear that the RNC does a good job of slamming some things. For the price, it seems to be a good retail unit. I'm going the DIY path though as the only cost are the parts involved and you can make some crazy SSL, 1176 etc. clones.
That's pretty sick dude! You'll have to let me know how that goes! I can only imagine what high end stuff like that would sound like! It's kinda relaxing to sit back with a soldering iron and work on a project, I've been considering doing something like that myself. You'll have to tell me what you think of it after you get it!
I wish somebody would put together complete 1176/SSL9K/whatever KITS. I wouldn't mind building it at all (as I've built a few seventh circle audio pres and had a blast doing it), but the idea of hunting down parts from a million different places really turns me off - get the case from this guy, the pcb from that guy, components from digikey, the pretty VU you may or may not find on ebay, the special transformer from that place....the list goes on.

I'd be willing to spend a few extra bucks as a "convenience charge" if somebody sold it all packaged together too. Then again, it's pretty convenient to just buy the real thing...not very economical though. :)
@Elektric: I'll definitely document my findings on here. Chances are I'll do an A/B shootout with the Waves SSL G Comp on the master bus, with both using the same settings.

@Ben: I totally agree. It's such a bitch to get all the parts. I think there's definitely a market to provide entire kits to people like BYOC are doing with stompboxes.
I'm getting a Gyraf SSL Stereo Compressor built for me (with the turbo kit), after which I will use it on the master bus of my mixes. I'm actually eyeing some RME cards for that very purposes.

I'm glad to hear that the RNC does a good job of slamming some things. For the price, it seems to be a good retail unit. I'm going the DIY path though as the only cost are the parts involved and you can make some crazy SSL, 1176 etc. clones.

Dude, you can't even imagine how many times I've spent staring at the parts list and layout pics :) If I had a few hundred euros to spend, I would definitely get a DIY SSL bus comp. I, for one, would really like to hear the A/B comparison between that and the Waves plugin, since that's what I currently use.
I got a DIY Dual mono 1176 and D-AOC tubecomp.
But to be honest it don't use them alot during mixing.
Mostly tube/transformer mojo by hitting them hard during tracking with a bit of functional compression :)
Totally worth it though, a pod tone through a hot 1176 sounds sooooo much better, and the transparant compression the D-OAC brings is incredible aswell.
I use outboard comps and can't live without my old cheezy SPX-90 which is either on patch 15 (bass) or 23 (vox).

I have also really missed working on a desk so I ordered an Allen & Heath console last week.
I've got a distressor that I use for tracking bass, vocals, leads & kick drums on the way in. It never gets used for the mix phase, tho.

I used to compress on the way in, but I stopped doing that because you can't undo it which sucked for vocals and snare, because on vocals you would pick up the heavy breathing just before a scream, and it sucked on the snare because it gave it sort of a "thunk" sound as well as added extra bleed. But maybe I was just over compressing.
I used to compress on the way in, but I stopped doing that because you can't undo it which sucked for vocals and snare, because on vocals you would pick up the heavy breathing just before a scream, and it sucked on the snare because it gave it sort of a "thunk" sound as well as added extra bleed. But maybe I was just over compressing.

indeed you were...:heh:
a skill you learn with time, knowing how much really is enough