How many of you guys actually....

Tracking with a Distressor on the way down is godly. Absolutely unreal on vocals. For bass and such I always found 1176 to be a winner.

The Dist was used on both the Eye of the Enemy EP and recent In Malice's Wake album to great effect. You can hear the samples on my myspace.
How come dude?

Because I'm too lazy to repatch & wait for it to run through!

Seriously, there's some really amazing plugin compressors out there & I can get results a lot faster with them.

As for tracking with compression on the way in: Yes, a very gentle hand is needed. "Opto" for singing vocals, 4:1 for bass, 6:1 for screaming & maybe a bit more aggressive, and "Fairchild" mode for lead guitar.

The distressor is a fucking chameleon: I highly recommend it.
I feel there's something satisfying about owning and using real hardware as opposed to software.

Glenn, your avatar always cracks me up, I don't know who it is, but it looks like Alexi Laiho in about 10 years time, but from the 80's.....if you see what I mean.
Because I'm too lazy to repatch & wait for it to run through!

Seriously, there's some really amazing plugin compressors out there & I can get results a lot faster with them.

As for tracking with compression on the way in: Yes, a very gentle hand is needed. "Opto" for singing vocals, 4:1 for bass, 6:1 for screaming & maybe a bit more aggressive, and "Fairchild" mode for lead guitar.

The distressor is a fucking chameleon: I highly recommend it.

Too rich for my blood right now, but goddamn do I have GAS all the same! :erk:
HAhahahahah, christ Ermin, that's a fair bit more ambitious than my desires right now! Are you still working with your KRK's? You seriously don't want to get anything in the interim before you fork out like $5k AUS for the K&H's? o_O
Normally I'd agree, but when your ultimate goal is THAT expensive, I would personally make an exception! ;) Case in point, I'm planning on getting a pair of Tannoy Reveal 5A's ($700) that should hold me for a good long time!
Yeah my head has been bouncing around interim solutions for weeks now. I've considered some Yamaha HS80Ms to fill the gap for the KHs at least, but the KH distributor here is a real cunt and with the economic decline has increased the O300s price by 25% already and is saying it's likely they'll go up more next year! My retailer, being the good guy he is cut so much off his margins that he managed to get them back down near the $5k price point, so I almost feel obligated.

But yeah, shitty situation for sure.

About the KRKs, they were never mine actually - I borrowed them off a friend, then promptly returned them as I hated them. Back to using generic Chinese 'monitors' :)

As lasse said though, interim solutions suck as you pay for a bunch of crap you don't need in the end. Just a matter of working out a way to survive without eating for a few months, is all...
Or just lower your desires ;) (I really think $1500-$2000 US would get you monitors that could last a lifetime, such as Dynaudio BM6a's - in the future, you could money towards different pairs for referencing, rather than one be-all end-all pair!)
The thing about the BM6as is that they have a great midrange and overall good balance, but they roll off way too high and their low-mid isn't very detailed. You see I made the mistake of getting sucked up into Gearslutz, trying out most of the shit they rant on about, and now I can actually see why any of the lower price bracket monitors won't cut it. I've tried just about everything in those brackets short of the Focal Twin 6 (which is sort of my last hope, even if it is butt fugly).

The O300s are not like listening to a speaker. They're like listening to the source. There's no real way to describe them to somebody who mayhaps hasn't heard speakers in that price/quality range before. It's one of those love at first sight moments where you just know if you get this thing it'll be paired to you for your whole working life.

It's this whole spiel I've been having internally about settling for cheap because the bands here don't warrant it, or following the dream and getting what's truly desired. It's a trade-off of simply having what one needs, or considering that one still wants to be the very best metal/rock mixing engineer in the country.

Your fave, Jens Bogren, mixes on a pair of Barefoot MM27s and those things are a few grand more than the O300s. Can you imagine the sort of detail and quality we're talking about when we get to mixes of that caliber? There is no way a set of 2-way speakers will cover all the ground for you.
The thing about the BM6as is that they have a great midrange and overall good balance, but they roll off way too high and their low-mid isn't very detailed. You see I made the mistake of getting sucked up into Gearslutz, trying out most of the shit they rant on about, and now I can actually see why any of the lower price bracket monitors won't cut it. I've tried just about everything in those brackets short of the Focal Twin 6 (which is sort of my last hope, even if it is butt fugly).

The O300s are not like listening to a speaker. They're like listening to the source. There's no real way to describe them to somebody who mayhaps hasn't heard speakers in that price/quality range before. It's one of those love at first sight moments where you just know if you get this thing it'll be paired to you for your whole working life.

It's this whole spiel I've been having internally about settling for cheap because the bands here don't warrant it, or following the dream and getting what's truly desired. It's a trade-off of simply having what one needs, or considering that one still wants to be the very best metal/rock mixing engineer in the country.

Your fave, Jens Bogren, mixes on a pair of Barefoot MM27s and those things are a few grand more than the O300s. Can you imagine the sort of detail and quality we're talking about when we get to mixes of that caliber? There is no way a set of 2-way speakers will cover all the ground for you.

i agree with that alot

mm27's are yummy.....i got to demo some, and i absolutely loved them. Cannot wait to get a set
Yes, that's Vim Fuego. :headbang:

Funniest movie/"behind the sessions" disc ever...

"I told you there aren't any fucking cows in Mongolia!"

We used the "I'm the reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix, all kneel and praise me" comment before a cover of "Manic Depression" and we got crushed by journalists accusing us to be megalomaniacs and repulsing. We had fun doing it though. ;) Oh, terrible cover btw, just for fun.
We used the "I'm the reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix, all kneel and praise me" comment before a cover of "Manic Depression" and we got crushed by journalists accusing us to be megalomaniacs and repulsing. We had fun doing it though. ;) Oh, terrible cover btw, just for fun.


I can't believe someone actually used that line!

"No, it wasn't just Hell's Angels, Colin jumped in too."
and now I can actually see why any of the lower price bracket monitors won't cut it.

I'd believe that if most of the records I love weren't mixed on ns10s.

Not trying to deflate you, just a counterpoint. The K&H are totally badass, no question there. If you're getting great results with them, hey more power to you.

..and by listening to your clips, they're working very well.
The thing about the BM6as is that they have a great midrange and overall good balance, but they roll off way too high and their low-mid isn't very detailed. You see I made the mistake of getting sucked up into Gearslutz, trying out most of the shit they rant on about, and now I can actually see why any of the lower price bracket monitors won't cut it. I've tried just about everything in those brackets short of the Focal Twin 6 (which is sort of my last hope, even if it is butt fugly).

The O300s are not like listening to a speaker. They're like listening to the source. There's no real way to describe them to somebody who mayhaps hasn't heard speakers in that price/quality range before. It's one of those love at first sight moments where you just know if you get this thing it'll be paired to you for your whole working life.

It's this whole spiel I've been having internally about settling for cheap because the bands here don't warrant it, or following the dream and getting what's truly desired. It's a trade-off of simply having what one needs, or considering that one still wants to be the very best metal/rock mixing engineer in the country.

Your fave, Jens Bogren, mixes on a pair of Barefoot MM27s and those things are a few grand more than the O300s. Can you imagine the sort of detail and quality we're talking about when we get to mixes of that caliber? There is no way a set of 2-way speakers will cover all the ground for you.

Well, in the Jens Bogren appreciation thread, he said he likes his MM27's, but that they're sometimes a bit too flattering (not to the point of Genelec, but still), and loves his old high-end KRK speakers, which I assume are the classic 2-way ported design. I dunno man, I've never listened to a speaker anywhere near the caliber of an MM27 or OH300, but I really feel like any speaker can be learned, and Oz makes a damn good point about NS10's - in the end, do what you want of course, but it just seems like an awful waste of money when people have gotten such incredible mixes with less expensive monitors.
Here's the quote:

Barefoot MM27 is a great monitor, but almost too great. It's not as great as a lying Genelec, but it won't automatically make my mix sound great in my NS10's. When i mixed in KRK V8's the NS10's always agreed more or less. However the MM27 is great, and very able for mastering as well, something V8 had a problem with. And i don't spend that much time fighting "ghost" frequencies only heard in the V8's. So together with NS10 i'm more happy now. However, if i would recommend you a completely non-flattering monitor that will get the job done almost for free, it would be KRK V8 series 1.