car stereo is acting up. for the love of satan help me

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
i put in any normal music cd and it tells me "no audio files found"

it was working fine yesterday. i swear, if i have to make the round trip to denver with no music im gonna kill someone...
Use an iPod with an FM transmitter instead? You can get a good transmitter for like 30-40 bucks.
stock dodge

Your reading lens probably got fucked up. Take the whole thing apart and set it up again, if that doesn't work then buy a new one. I had the same problem about 8 months again on my car and it was a short circuit that fucked my radio up, I had to throw it to the trash can.
Run over to Circuit Ghetto and try to find a cheap cleaning disc. They're regular sized optical discs that have little fibers on them. When they're played the fibers brush up against the laser that reads the disc and clean it. If that fails switch over to an mp3 player/fm transmitter combo or start dissecting, repairing, and replacing.
tried a disc cleaner, didnt work. told me there wasnt any audio (track 3 has audio on it)

fm transmitters dont work very well. i had one briefly, and it was filled with static on every freq. i even bought the $100 monster one
just get a cheap ghetto blaster and put it on the seat next to you while you drive until you can get a cd player, thats what my friend did and it worked fine.