Carcass - Pre Necrotism (however its spelt)


Jul 21, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hello. I have heard a few albums, namely Necrotism, Heartwork, Swansong and the compliation Wake Up And Smelll The Carcass. I am thinking of buying a pre necrotism album.. I have heard a few songs here and there but what is the best album pre necrotism? I do relize Necrotism.... marked a big change in the band and the stuff before that is really different

Necroticism wasn't that much of a change from Symphonies, imo, not nearly as much as the change from Necroticism to Heartwork. Reek is grindcore through and through...good, but horrible production. I'd say go with Symphonies of Sickness (my favorite :grin: ) and after getting used to it give Reek a try...
Buy Symphonis of Sickness, it´s awesome...
When I listened to Reek... the songs sounded o.k. but the sounds sucked
I like both Necrotism and Symphonies (only ones I own), Symphonies are maybe little bit more heavier and thats cool