Career change suggestions please

I'll tell you one job where the money is excellent, and you have to be able to think, without having a huge intellect - computer tech.
Do a 1 year course at TAFE and you will be earning 60 - 70 bucks an hour, especially if you go to people's homes to fix software issues.
Nightwing said:
I'll tell you one job where the money is excellent, and you have to be able to think, without having a huge intellect - computer tech.
Do a 1 year course at TAFE and you will be earning 60 - 70 bucks an hour, especially if you go to people's homes to fix software issues.



Good one Nightwing.
I don't get the joke man......that is what happens in WA! I remember about three years ago I got this cat around to fix my computer, he had just done a TAFE course, became a computer tech, and he charged $70 for the first hour (callout) then 50 thereafter.
There's heaps of people over here doing that for a job, and they are ALWAYS busy, man.
Bloody heaps over in the west mate - computer techs are at a premium.
Software, not hardware related, that is.

Anyway, if she has to move to WA, it's probably not worth it, is it. (Even though WA kicks eastern states arse)
Moving to WA from London is going to be a bit of an upheaval. :) I think I'm just going to become a bum, I won't actually have to worry about the money side at all then, just scrounge from the bins at Pizza Hut & McDonalds and sleep on a nice park bench. There, problem solved.
Nightwing said:
Bloody heaps over in the west mate - computer techs are at a premium.
Software, not hardware related, that is.

Anyway, if she has to move to WA, it's probably not worth it, is it. (Even though WA kicks eastern states arse)
Seriously? Hmmm....

The joke was I spent 4 years at Uni and had 10 years experience, and I've *NEVER* come *close* to earning $70 an hour. However, I'm not in WA.

And another thing you've got to remember that this $70 an hour callout fee was likely to be for maybe 4 hours a day. Plus, if it was his own business he'd be lucky to see maybe $30 of that.
I have worked in the indestry for 7 years and i can tell you there is no way a run of the mill support techo would get $70 a hour.
Even in server or network support you would have to be at the top of your specialised field.
Saying that, there are actually a lot of jobs around at the moment. the marked has really picked up this year
Gavin said:
I have worked in the indestry for 7 years and i can tell you there is no way a run of the mill support techo would get $70 a hour.
Even in server or network support you would have to be at the top of your specialised field.
Saying that, there are actually a lot of jobs around at the moment. the marked has really picked up this year
Er.....dude, there were at least 5 guys and 1 girl advertising in the paper in my old home town (pop.20,000) and they ALL charge between 50-70 an hour. So take your 'there's no way' and know what.
Over a two year period, I employed two of ' wasn't too good, he charged 60 for the first hour, and that was all I employed him for......the second time, I employed this chick for two hours, which cost me $120. (1st hour 70, then 50 an hour thereafter).
She took my computer away and did a little more work on it inbetween other jobs for free, so she was good.

Why do you people think I'm lying? It's absolutely true, all the techies that advertise here get at least 50 an hour, and that's just the 'mobile' ones - the ones that work in shops charge even more!

Fuck it pisses me off when people think I'm lying, or lack credibilty......I'm not a fucking nOOb here you know!!! :err:
Nightwing is correct, there actually are techies that do charge that much. Mostly though, you can get someone much cheaper and the really expensive techies mainly do work dumbfuck's who have no idea anyway.
There are definately techs out there that charge $60-70 an hour. However I'm sure there are very few that *earn* that much. In particular the ones that come out to your house. See one of my earlier posts for details.