CARINA Rocks \m/


"Stay Grey!"
Sep 17, 2001


I must tell you how much I am enjoying the new cd!! I am glad that they added more of your vocals to the cd! :Spin: It just adds another dimension to the music....

I love the back up vocals on A Touch of Blessing and More Than Ever!

Ahhh man In The Wake of the Weary your vocals are just chilling and full of emotion!

Any chance you playing with them live? I would love to witness that!! :)

You are soooo talented! I also love the Dissonace (Branch of Hands) stuff you did!! Where can I get that?

You need to do more stuff with them!! I also love the older stuff you've done with them...

YOU RAWK!! :headbang:

Hopefully she'll do it for the upcoming DVD. Someone has to stay home with their child, though. Her parts are pre-recorded for the current tour but it would be cool to see the whole thing live. Oh to be at that show...
The minidisc does. I don't think it is possible to replace her with another person live on stage so that is probably the best thing to solve it unless she is present and can sing it herself =)
And I agree... In The wake of the weary gives me chills as well.

CubanToad said:
Carina does RAWK!!! :headbang: She is a very talented singer! I think that would be awesome if she performed with Evergrey! Who sings her parts live on "Touch of Blessing"? No one can replace her! :)
My god....Thank you VERY MUCH for the kind words...I`m so glad that you like what I do...yes, I would love to go on stage with guys someday...maybe on the dvd....or..maybe even live.....:hotjump:

Carina your just going to have to get used to the 15 sweaty guys thing on tour, beucause if Evergrey gets as big as I think they will, they are going to need you for their HEADLINING tour :headbang:


Carina said:
My god....Thank you VERY MUCH for the kind words...I`m so glad that you like what I do...yes, I would love to go on stage with guys someday...maybe on the dvd....or..maybe even live.....:hotjump:
Well, my favorite is still Darkest Hour- your voice gives me goosebumps, as does Tom's! You make a great pair. Does your daughter sing yet? ha ha
"Your Darkest Hour" is amazing, am_ash2. I can listen to that song over and over again.

I have yet to hear the new album, but I agree that Carina has an incredible voice. She adds an extra element to Evergrey's sound that just puts them over the edge.
ProgMetalFan said:
"Your Darkest Hour" is amazing, am_ash2. I can listen to that song over and over again.

I have yet to hear the new album, but I agree that Carina has an incredible voice. She adds an extra element to Evergrey's sound that just puts them over the edge.
We just got the new one at the Cleveland show- the nice special limited super duper cool beans edition! It's a lot different from what I expected musically speaking~ Everyone is right though- it takes more than one listen to form any kind of opinion. I love the heavy stuff right off the bat and a couple of the ballads, but there are some that I don't "get" yet.
Hehe....I was just finishing up listening to The Inner Circle for the billionth time and thinking the same thing. I really think Carina has an outstanding voice, most female singers I have heard don't have much range and keep the same tone in everything they sing and makes it boring. Carina really has versatility and I wondered if she had any other musical projects she has been involved with other than Evergrey. She tends to take part in my favorite songs from the last two Evergrey albums as well, Your Darkest Hour from Rec. Day, and More Than Ever from IC.
ProgMetalFan said:
"Your Darkest Hour" is amazing, am_ash2. I can listen to that song over and over again.

I have yet to hear the new album, but I agree that Carina has an incredible voice. She adds an extra element to Evergrey's sound that just puts them over the edge.
Me and you shared the same love for Your Darkest Hour on Rec. Day, I just know you will love More Than Ever.....get ready!
Carina's vocals on "The Inner Circle" are indeed awesome. I especially love her verse on "In the Wake of the Weary". She sounds so sultry and earthy. She has a very thick, soulful voice that I love.
I definitely feel Carina's efforts on The Inner Circle are her best yet. Now, of course, that does not mean that they were poor on the earlier releases either as I still feel they're amazing as well. Just listen to Your Darkest Hour or For Every Tear That Falls for proof on this matter. Carina's solo segment in In The Wake Of The Weary is simply awe-inspiring; totally incredible.