Carnal Forge - Please... Die!

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Carnal Forge - Please... Die!
Century Media Records - 2001
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Carnal Forge website
Go to the Century Media Records website

Look at the title of the album - it immediately becomes obvious that this is not going to be a subtle nor an easy listen. The promo material I got on receiving the disc said something along the lines that this CD would make me wonder why The Haunted didn't play a little heavier, or why Slayer play so slowly. 'Record company promotional tosh,' thought I. 'What could possibly make me think that way?'

Well, suffice it to say that after hearing this disc, I'm convinced that Slayer should hang up their spiked armlets for cosy cardigans, and The Haunted should perhaps take up knitting instead of metal, 'cos Carnal Forge are phenomenal.

Taking the basic ingredients of thrash metal (furious, twin-guitar riffage and solo duelling, a pummeling rhythm section and a vocalist seemingly immune to laryngitis) and bringing them bang up to date with youthful vigour and passion, Carnal Forge blast out of the speakers with album opener 'Butchered, Slaughtered, Strangled, Hanged', and never let up pace afterwards.

Death metal elements are detectable in the sound also, with occasional low-pitched palm-muted riffing and cookie monster vocals occasionally rising above the thrash, making this an album perfect for fans of At The Gates and The Haunted as well as the mighty Slayer.

Special mention must go to second track 'Hand Of Doom' which begins with an implausibly long, ear-splitting scream. This soon becomes covered by some hyperactive skin-bashing and some impressive twin guitar harmonies.

The thrash metal revival begins here.
