Carvin vs. Ibanez 6-string bass?


Jul 5, 2009
Portland, OR
My bassist had an Ibanez soundgear 596, replaced the pickups with some EMGs, then sold all of that and bought a Carvin BB76... now I almost enjoy hearing him play...
Seriously, his Carvin plays way better than the Ibanez could ever have played.
Carvins are great.

I have an Ibanez EDB. - The bass is o.k. (but the tuners, bridge and knobs are bad quality components).

I'd get the Carvin and replace the pickups.
Does anyone have any idea how the pickups in the Carvin are? I don't know what model they are, unfortunately. I've played the Ibanez and I really do like it. The neck's really comfortable. But I can't be sure that I won't like the Carvin more, so maybe I'll go to the guy's house and give it a spin.
Have no clue about those bass pickups.

I don't like their guitar pickups. That's for sure. (Sound way too weak/muddy for me).
K I just played the Carvin.

Action is way too high, and the bridge is about as low as it'll get. It's up to string tension and truss rod I guess. How likely is it that I'll be able to get it nice and low (about to the level of a new SR506)? It's a really nice bass otherwise.

It's a hard choice since I can't return the Carvin if I can't set it up well enough.