Casey Abrams (American Idol)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Just give the man his recording contract now. Absolutely amazing! Hell, I had to laugh when Steven jumped in with some backing vocals because it was that damn good.

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Yeah it was quite good. But so was the guy with the amazing range and really goofy facial reactions.
Glenn, have you ever thought about/tried to book one of the rocker AI folks for the festival? (If you've ever mentioned it, I missed it.) Because if you were to land, say, David Cook for a showcase type thing, that would be made of awesome and my ass would be there.
Glenn, have you ever thought about/tried to book one of the rocker AI folks for the festival? (If you've ever mentioned it, I missed it.) Because if you were to land, say, David Cook for a showcase type thing, that would be made of awesome and my ass would be there.

Sigh... All of a sudden, whoever gave the idea of booking a King Diamond cover band for the showcase sounds like a genius...

For the record, Casey Abrams is a hell of a singer. There has been a lot of real good talent in American Idol. That being said, to have one of their contestants performing at ProgPower is kind of ridiculous in my book...

Fuck, why not book Muse then? Jack Johnson? Lady Gaga? Elton John?
Sigh... All of a sudden, whoever gave the idea of booking a King Diamond cover band for the showcase sounds like a genius...

For the record, Casey Abrams is a hell of a singer. There has been a lot of real good talent in American Idol. That being said, to have one of their contestants performing at ProgPower is kind of ridiculous in my book...

Fuck, why not book Muse then? Jack Johnson? Lady Gaga? Elton John?

Well, if he actually sang with a Prog Power-type band, it would be cool..
To my ears, he had no oomph behind it, no meaning, or passion. Very thin. Which isn't Casey like. So, I just feel that he was out of his element on that song. But yes, for the American Idol competition it is a risk going with a song like that. It's not one that will showcase a singer's range or classical technique, and probably isn't a regular listen for the voting base.
He seems to be a really good musician...NOT a great singer. His performances so far remind me of a contestant they had a couple of years back, whose "stage name" was Norman Gentle. Gentle was goofing his way through the show with over the top dramatic vocals that weren't great, but he was fun to watch, much like Abrams is doing now. Jacob Lusk DESTROYS Casey Abrams.
I'm not a huge fan of Idol. I only typically watch it while eating, which oddly enough has been every time Abrams performs. From just what I've seen, it seems like he's trying too hard to be "different" and it's hurting his performances.