Cash vs. credit


Apr 3, 2008
Clearwater, FL, U.S.A
This might already have been covered earlier but anyways...

First time at PP for me and am trying to plan my finances for the trip. Does any vendors accept plastic or only cash? How about the bars and food places at the venue?

And Lance, if you are going to accept credit through your iPhone again... Please bring your son to help you run it :)
I would suggest bringing cash. The ATM at the venue will probably run out of money again, if you use credit in the Vinyl the bartenders will add extra tip almost guaranteed. Not every vendor takes credit also.
I've never had any issues with the Vinyl bartenders adding anything extra, and I've actually forgotten my card there not once but twice. :)

However, the bars inside the venue don't generally take cards, and as has been already mentioned, some of the vendors do not either and the ATM *always* runs out or is out of order.
I would suggest bringing cash. The ATM at the venue will probably run out of money again, if you use credit in the Vinyl the bartenders will add extra tip almost guaranteed. Not every vendor takes credit also.

This is true...and I think its total BULL. I ALWAYS tip...never have I not tipped a bartender...and last year when I bought drinks at the Vinyl, I had an $18 tip added on to my $12 bill...what possesses them to add in the tip themselves? I don't think that's very polite...especially if I've already designated a tip for the bartender on the receipt. What gives them the authority to change that? I will bring cash from now on...or better yet, not get drinks from the bartenders at Vinyl.
This is true...and I think its total BULL. I ALWAYS tip...never have I not tipped a bartender...and last year when I bought drinks at the Vinyl, I had an $18 tip added on to my $12 bill...what possesses them to add in the tip themselves? I don't think that's very polite...especially if I've already designated a tip for the bartender on the receipt. What gives them the authority to change that? I will bring cash from now on...or better yet, not get drinks from the bartenders at Vinyl.

Dirty Bastards!!!

Thanks Ken, I'll visit your booth for sure. If you haven't left already. Bring Stray.

This is true...and I think its total BULL. I ALWAYS tip...never have I not tipped a bartender...and last year when I bought drinks at the Vinyl, I had an $18 tip added on to my $12 bill...what possesses them to add in the tip themselves? I don't think that's very polite...especially if I've already designated a tip for the bartender on the receipt. What gives them the authority to change that? I will bring cash from now on...or better yet, not get drinks from the bartenders at Vinyl.

Nothing gives them the right. It is theft, plain and simple.

Challenge the charge with your bank or card issuer. Be prepared to fax them a copy of your transaction receipt showing the charge and the tip you added. And of course, you should ALWAYS keep a copy of your receipts, especially from locations where tipping is customary.

I've had this happen twice locally (not at Vinyl or Center Stage, but at other places) and both times my bank issued a temporary credit for the disputed funds...and then made the credit permanent after they received the fax.

That sucks. I know it's a hassle and costs you guys money to set it up though. Even though The Laser's Edge is probably my favorite vendor, I end up buying more from vendors that accept plastic. I need cash for drinks and food.

Uh, I think Ken was saying he DID accept credit cards, nyet?
Nothing gives them the right. It is theft, plain and simple.

Challenge the charge with your bank or card issuer. Be prepared to fax them a copy of your transaction receipt showing the charge and the tip you added. And of course, you should ALWAYS keep a copy of your receipts, especially from locations where tipping is customary.

Yes, this is very good advice. Unfortunately, you live and learn. Last year I never would have thought someone would have done that, so being my drunk self, I didn't think to hold on to the receipt. Only thing I ever hold on the receipt for is expensive items like a computer or something. Didn't think I'd have to with a $12 transaction. Not having proof that I wrote in a different tip is why my bank wouldn't credit me the money back. So, yeah, I recommend keeping your receipts as well....GOOD ADVICE!!

I don't think you read Jim's post carefully. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We always have. In fact for many years we were the only vendor to accept credit cards.

Cash is welcome but credit card is fine. We have fancy new wireless terminal this year so it will be clean and easy.

See you tomorrow.

Ken Golden/The Laser's Edge
Cash is welcome but credit card is fine. We have fancy new wireless terminal this year so it will be clean and easy.

Ken Golden/The Laser's Edge

And I thank you for taking my well broke in Southwest Visa card. (I use it as a debit card) I am now $228 closer to a free flight. :lol:

I did see three ATM's there this year. One in the vendor room, one in the hallway and another in the lobby of the venue. Unless I missed them in past years, I thought the hallway had the only machine.