Casket Garden

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Does anybody here have their cd? I listened to "I Witness" on um radio. The song kicks ass \m/. I checked out for a review of their album. But low and behold...There wasn't anything! Anybody know if the rest of their album (They only have 1) is any good?!?! :erk:
What the fuck is your problem worm infested trachea? Why couldn't your mother have drowned you in a bathtub or smothered you with a pillow when she had the chance? She wouldv'e if she had any foresight! You fucking felcher. Your from lowell Mass? You like tea parties?... (Testical Tea) Fucking eh man! I'm so sick of everyone's jealousy! Leave my ruggish good looks out of the equation! I didn't ask to wear this beautiful face! All i fucking want is an opinion on an album you fucking lowell residing leach! Get your grindcore loving ass out of here before I hit you in the head with a giblet! Your intestines aren't infested with worms. Unless thats your pet word for spaghetti... Fucking 15 yr old fat slob who lives on a message board. Your parents should be pleasantly proud! How about laying off the smores you marshmellow makin' meandering in the direction of queerdom faggot! Go fucking do your math homework and play on your "texas instrument"! I hate you humanoids who can't participate in a music discussion without acting like an idiot.
I should have never believed you when you "pmmed" me saying that you want to learn the art of metal mastery from me! But it's fine... Next time I wont be as gullible!

Go get In touch with your lizard side you aboriginal alien! Your face is burning from the clearisil! (In reference to signature)
huh is casket garden a group? i thought you where refering to the dismember ep.

and btw, calling you a loser is pretty warranted after seeing your reply. just ignore the trolls and they'll go away
Nah I 'm a nice guy bro. I'm a beloved member of my community. Yes Casket Garden's a group. Don;t worry though. I'll dig up some info about them on my own. And worm infested trachea no hard feelings bro. It's just your adolescent hormones talking. ;)
spaffe said:
huh is casket garden a group? i thought you where refering to the dismember ep.

and btw, calling you a loser is pretty warranted after seeing your reply. just ignore the trolls and they'll go away

Ha, I'm a troll now? Don't trolls normally lie?
AllWithinMyMonster said:
What the fuck is your problem worm infested trachea? Why couldn't your mother have drowned you in a bathtub or smothered you with a pillow when she had the chance? She wouldv'e if she had any foresight! You fucking felcher. Your from lowell Mass? You like tea parties?... (Testical Tea) Fucking eh man! I'm so sick of everyone's jealousy! Leave my ruggish good looks out of the equation! I didn't ask to wear this beautiful face! All i fucking want is an opinion on an album you fucking lowell residing leach! Get your grindcore loving ass out of here before I hit you in the head with a giblet! Your intestines aren't infested with worms. Unless thats your pet word for spaghetti... Fucking 15 yr old fat slob who lives on a message board. Your parents should be pleasantly proud! How about laying off the smores you marshmellow makin' meandering in the direction of queerdom faggot! Go fucking do your math homework and play on your "texas instrument"! I hate you humanoids who can't participate in a music discussion without acting like an idiot.
I should have never believed you when you "pmmed" me saying that you want to learn the art of metal mastery from me! But it's fine... Next time I wont be as gullible!

Go get In touch with your lizard side you aboriginal alien! Your face is burning from the clearisil! (In reference to signature)

AllWithinMyMonster said:
It's just your adolescent hormones talking.

Huhhhh huh. Whose hormones are we talking about?
Well I find mp3 of the band. And the songs kick ass. But I cant find it for purchase anywhere online! Does anybody know an online store with a huge selection? I've already tried "the end records"