Castle Anthrax


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I don't know how many of you is interested in Monty Python's, but I saw Holy Grail couple of days ago, and there was a scene with "Castle Anthrax". It was a castle with shitloads of pretty horny chicks between 16-19 years. Funny as hell.
Nah, Castle Anthrax was definetly where the chicks lived, I've seen that movie about 50 times:D

Huge fan of the Pythons & their off the wall comedy, still hilarious 30 years later.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Castle Anthrax is where the French guy lived.

The castle with the chicks in it was funny, though.
"I'd really like to go back and face the peril!"
"No, you mustn't, it's too perilous!!"
"I bet you're gay."
"No, I'm not."

Extremely amusing ha ha

The part at the french castle when they launched the cow over the ramparts had me in sticthes for about an hour it was fuckin hilarious.

'i am arfur, king of the bwitons'
wullief said:
i always wanted to be that knoight that stumbled on those beauties. If only i could remember what they said in that scene.

Spank us! And after that, oral sex! Yeah, oral sex!!!
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
"I'd really like to go back and face the peril!"
"No, you mustn't, it's too perilous!!"
"I bet you're gay."
"No, I'm not."

And this further confirms your "You're cool w/ me!'' status.
Python are the shiz.

I saw an SNL repeat that opened w/ Micheal Palin and john Cleese doing the dead parrot skit....sweet.

by the way, anyone ever see the commercial that Cleese did w/ MetallicA? Fucking hilarious!