Catamenia parts ways with 4 members


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2009
Sadly, it is true :( .
Ari, Toni, Kari and Mikko are no longer members of Catamenia. The band currently consists of 1 member only and that is Riku. There is no information about the band's future yet, but that will be cleared in the upcoming official statement. I would like to thank all the guys for the awesome music during the years and also would like to ask the fans for a bit of understanding and mostly patience. Surely everyone would want to know the reasons why this is happening but it doesn't really help if the guys are constantly being buried under a ton of messages, because the situation is already stressful enough. Let's let things settle and wait for the official statement. Just in case that people think this might be a scam or smth, I have been authorized by the ex-band members to announce this and even asked to link their statuses in FB with which they announced their departure from the band. So here they are:


Many cheers for the past years and good luck to all of them with their future projects :) !
sad news, I was completely shocked when I saw the official statements by leaving band members... but hey... they are still gonna continue with music individualy or something like that. I also wish luck for them, but I hope that Catamenia will not fall apart and crumble. I hope that Riku will continue and find new guys...
@ Alteredmindeath: Has it been a struggle or not can only be confirmed by the people who have been involved with the band. Not everything can go smoothly and bands consist of people... different people with different beliefs, points of view, characters etc. Not everyone can "exist" in the same environment with everyone else, it's just how things go. Cata is not the only band that has gone through many changes among the members but the fact is that they've always delivered great music.
...If You were struggling to do something but You wanted to do it so badly and kept pushing with all Your faith and enthusiasm, would You give it all up just because someone else thinks it's not worth it or it's too much of a struggle? I know I wouldn't.

@ Djura: Surely he'll try to find people ;) Let's see what he has to say when he's ready with the statement.
The band just needs dissolved to be honest. They've released tons of stuff and have been progressively worse over the years. Call it a day. If you want to still play music, atleast do it under a different name and lose the wolves.
Well said Krow but I do like the wolf theme. The band has like 14 albums out and they really haven't gotten far. Nobody really cares about or has even heard of them. Their music is mediocre at best, nothing too special really. But hey let him continue Catamenia maybe he'll win the big fans. They are not terrible, I would probably go to one of their gigs if it was right down the street. Hell, why not? Anyway the right business decisions can be made to push the band. Maybe he just needs better musicians in the group to make it better?
... They did drop the wolf theme, Cavalcade has nothing to do with wolves... and the full-length albums are 9. Would be nice to check things out before writing.
That thing about progressively worse over the years, mediocre, not very popular - depends on who's looking at it actually. Not all bands are worldwide known and have millions of fans, but that doesn't automatically make them a bad band. I heard Catamenia for the first time 10 years ago, on my birthday, cuz someone brought a cd with tons of mp3s and apparently there were 2 Cata albums in there. There were just a few of my friends who had actually heard about the band at that point. I was like "who? what? play another song of this..." and there it went. At that time, the band was in that section of the music shop where all the "unknown" black/death/gore/whatever metal bands, whose names you can barely read were. They sounded great to me back then and always have. Of course Cata's music went through many transformations... It's inevitable, having in mind that many musicians have had their share in creating that music, well of course it will change, cuz the musicians have been different and everyone has brought different ideas/sound/etc. with them. Hmm, better musicians You say... to be honest, there hasn't been a bad musician in the band. It's just that when ppl are inclined to like one type of music, more like 1 genre of that type, they tend to dislike the changes in it and let's face it, Cata used to "belong" to the black metal genre in the beginning (damn how I hate that genre stuff :mad: ), but during the years it went through death, dark, whatever and now it's completely different from let's say "Morning Crimson" and nowhere near "Eskhata" BUT that doesn't automatically make the "new" sound bad quality music. It is just different. And actually, there are many ppl who care about Catamenia and love their music, they're still wanted at festivals and single gigs. Besides, ppl are being angry/sad/confused by the situation at the moment, the one that this topic is about, which shows that they do care.
The departure of these four members have nothing to do with musical skill or talent. All of them have been in music business for long time, and they will continue making music.
Catamenia is in my top 5 so this sucks because I never got to see them live but their last album sucked so bad...they probably realized that and just left.

They were supposed to headline here a few years ago but it was canceled. :(
Catamenia is in my top 5 so this sucks because I never got to see them live but their last album sucked so bad...they probably realized that and just left.

Nope :), that is not the reason why the guys left. What happened has nothing to do with their musical abilities, quality of the last album or anything connected to the music in general. Well, the guys will continue being part of the musical scene anyway, so we just have to wait and see... hear actually :) . As for Cata's future... chances are 50/50 - we could live to see another line-up or that could have been the very last line-up. Nothing is sure at the moment but that's understandable, having in mind what weight Riku has on his shoulders right now and what does he have to deal with, which is true for the already ex-members aswell, so it will take a little time to figure things out and decide what's gonna happen.
Nope :), that is not the reason why the guys left. What happened has nothing to do with their musical abilities, quality of the last album or anything connected to the music in general. Well, the guys will continue being part of the musical scene anyway, so we just have to wait and see... hear actually :) . As for Cata's future... chances are 50/50 - we could live to see another line-up or that could have been the very last line-up. Nothing is sure at the moment but that's understandable, having in mind what weight Riku has on his shoulders right now and what does he have to deal with, which is true for the already ex-members aswell, so it will take a little time to figure things out and decide what's gonna happen.

Well that could be part of it...bands parting ways for "personal reasons" and other vague reasons usually aren't the whole story. I know you're close with the band but they may not be telling you everything.

Guess I'll just have to wait for the official statement.

I was gonna post that on the Cata forums but I know if you say anything remotely negative there, everyone, including the band attacks you. That forum used to be so much better.
Hmm what I know about that whole thing is not coming out of my mouth, not for anything but trust me, I got a good explanation of the situation and not just a plain "personal reasons". In official statements ppl usually tell even less about the happening, the most that you can learn from them is if the band will continue ahead or not. Noone would sit and explain how the thing exactly is, with all the details and stuff.
...That thing about the Cata forum is not exactly true and you know it. Here is not the place to discuss that but what I can say is that everyone was defending their positions, both the negative and the positive sides. Please don't blame the band for attacking ppl lol that's just ridiculous, you should know more about how things went back then and why there was 1, just 1 angry post from a band member on that matter because things got out of hand and he had enough. Everyone's patience and tolerance have limits. It was a complicated situation but if you remember, things were settled from all sides and apologies were given and accepted. I seriously doubt that's the only messageboard where there have been... "fights" between ppl. Besides, the forum is still in shape and going, even though not as active as before.
Ok, things are settling little by little :). Riku announced that Cata will go on (as expected :D ), so a bit more patience and ppl will learn about the new-line up next week, most probably. The new/old bassist was announced a few days ago and it's Mikko Hepo-oja, who played on "Winternight Tragedies". Here's a part of what Riku wrote at Cata's official FB page: "There'll be huge line-up changes, but as soon as the new Cata-crew is ready, more info will follow with few nostalgic surprises as well! Maybe already next week ;) "

Hmm what I know about that whole thing is not coming out of my mouth, not for anything but trust me, I got a good explanation of the situation and not just a plain "personal reasons". In official statements ppl usually tell even less about the happening, the most that you can learn from them is if the band will continue ahead or not. Noone would sit and explain how the thing exactly is, with all the details and stuff.
...That thing about the Cata forum is not exactly true and you know it. Here is not the place to discuss that but what I can say is that everyone was defending their positions, both the negative and the positive sides. Please don't blame the band for attacking ppl lol that's just ridiculous, you should know more about how things went back then and why there was 1, just 1 angry post from a band member on that matter because things got out of hand and he had enough. Everyone's patience and tolerance have limits. It was a complicated situation but if you remember, things were settled from all sides and apologies were given and accepted. I seriously doubt that's the only messageboard where there have been... "fights" between ppl. Besides, the forum is still in shape and going, even though not as active as before.

Haha it wasn't just once...anytime anyone had any criticism whatsoever, they got flamed. And everyone always LOVED everything they did there...too many fanboys. I like the old forums better.

Saw this on Facebook:

"Catamenia: Yeah, we'll be back with old style ;)"

If that's not code for "our new shit sucks," then I don't know what is.

In any case, I hope Olli or Mika comes back and they get better because it sucked seeing one of my favorite bands go downhill.