Catamenia parts ways with 4 members

Hah, I wrote that there was only 1 angry post from a band member and not just 1 post against the negative stuff. Of course, in a band forum one would expect the ppl who are there to actually like the stuff that the band makes and it's more than sure that when someone says smth bad about the band's music there will be ppl to make a counter comment and "defend" the thing they like. You shouldn't classify ppl as "fanboys", just because they have a wider range of liked music and enjoy smth that other ppl don't. Those who didn't like Cata's music anymore simply stopped posting there (with very few exceptions),which was a smarter, better and more respectful (towards the musicians) thing to do than staying and attacking numerous times what they didn't like. What I never understood is why would ppl go and spit continuously on smth that they don't like in a place where ppl like that same thing, instead of just going to some other forum or whatever and praise the stuff THEY like. So much hate nowadays...

"We'll be back with old style" can mean several things and not necessarily "our new shit sucks". There will be musicians coming back, who have participated in creating the older stuff, therefore the band's sound will change again and it's just natural that they'll do what they did back then.
Haha it wasn't just once...anytime anyone had any criticism whatsoever, they got flamed. And everyone always LOVED everything they did there...too many fanboys. I like the old forums better.

The comprehension of reading is a beautiful thing!
And for the fandom there, come on!!! It's not a neutral forum like this for example. You should understand that most of the users there are actually fans of the band, right!?

"Catamenia: Yeah, we'll be back with old style ;)"

If that's not code for "our new shit sucks," then I don't know what is.

Do you seriously think like that? Do you really think that Riku wrote all those songs just for fun and bullshit. He wrote them suitable for the current line-up back then. Of course it would naturally change again if/when more old cata-guys are coming back.
Well, here it is - the official statement released at Catamenia's official website.

"Line-up changes! (04.10.2010)

I'm sad to inform you all about huge and unfortunate line-up changes in the band. Ari, Toni, Kari and Mikko decided to part ways with Catamenia because of their project bands, businesses, lack of inspiration and time, personal issues and etc. I had a great time with you and hope nothing but the best for you. We'll always be true friends, no question about it! You've been my family for years and you will always be part of it, now and in future! There are no words to describe, but only: Thousands of sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart, guys - it was a damn awesome journey with great unforgettable memories! THANK YOU!!!

But now some happier news. The first new attachment for the band is our ex-bassist Mikko Hepo-oja. He was our bassist during Winternight Tragedies -era. Also two new members join the band - drummer Tony Qvick and guitarist Sauli Jauhiainen. Also the new vocalist will be informed quite soon. So, all in all: We're back in business!

Cheers and thanks,
Riku Hopeakoski / Catamenia

Both of the new guys, plus the new/old member Mikko Hepo-oja are members of the band Ultimatium
Hah, I wrote that there was only 1 angry post from a band member and not just 1 post against the negative stuff. Of course, in a band forum one would expect the ppl who are there to actually like the stuff that the band makes and it's more than sure that when someone says smth bad about the band's music there will be ppl to make a counter comment and "defend" the thing they like. You shouldn't classify ppl as "fanboys", just because they have a wider range of liked music and enjoy smth that other ppl don't. Those who didn't like Cata's music anymore simply stopped posting there (with very few exceptions),which was a smarter, better and more respectful (towards the musicians) thing to do than staying and attacking numerous times what they didn't like. What I never understood is why would ppl go and spit continuously on smth that they don't like in a place where ppl like that same thing, instead of just going to some other forum or whatever and praise the stuff THEY like. So much hate nowadays...

"We'll be back with old style" can mean several things and not necessarily "our new shit sucks". There will be musicians coming back, who have participated in creating the older stuff, therefore the band's sound will change again and it's just natural that they'll do what they did back then.

I like 8 out of their 9 albums so I do like them and I still want to see them live so I stay there to talk about the old stuff, maybe post a potential setlist wish (they did that once before when they asked what we wanted to hear on the US tour, which never happened), and I still like some of the old people on there. I just hate people that blindly praise anything a band does, even if it clearly sucks. It's the Catamenia forum, not the Cavalcade forum.

In any case, if "we'll be back with old style" DOES mean "our new shit sucks," I'll welcome it with open arms.
A "novel" incoming, do not try to read it if very impatient and having weak nerves :p

I just hate people that blindly praise anything a band does, even if it clearly sucks. It's the Catamenia forum, not the Cavalcade forum.

... There aren't such ppl in the forum. In case you mean me, cuz I'm the one who "defends" Cata's music the most - you're wrong. I don't do anything blindly and wouldn't praise smth that I dislike. For your information, I do like better the earlier Cata stuff and I've written it in the forum aswell, however I also like the newer stuff, simply because I enjoy a wide range of metal and don't stick to 1 or 2 genres. My top fav Cata albums are all from the earlier years (Morning Crimson, Eskhata and ChaosBorn) but there's good music in all the 9 albums. Liking different stuff doesn't make me that kind of person that you're writing about. Another detail, which you wouldn't know though, is that I was brave enough to actually talk to some of the guys about what bothered me and I disliked on the raw mix version of Cavalcade - another reason why they trust me - cuz I'm honest with them, so yeah, definitely not praising anything blindly. Besides, just because You think smth sucks that doesn't mean it's true for everyone.

It's Cata's forum, yes, but the thread that caused all the fuss was about Cavalcade, which was being continuously turned into a thread about The Time Unchained, comparing smth that didn't even exist yet to the 8th album, turning every single post about anything else back to the VIII-TTU release and spitting on it, again and again, and again, and AGAIN o_O . Now that was very inappropriate and quite an ugly situation, to be honest, so naturally - consequences followed. It's ok for ppl to express their opinion, even if it's negative but within some limits... Say it once or twice, ok, but don't tread on those musicians over and over again, damn it. They are ppl too, you know... How would you feel if you're being continuously smashed by someone because of the music that you've created, music, which feels good to you and you've put tons of time, energy and heart into it? Like I said, it's ok to express your negative opinion but not to push it on and on, and on... and on.
Just thinking about the reaction on Cavalcade... Do you remember, or if not, do you know how Eskhata was accepted when it came out? There were numerous negative opinions back then aswell. It's hard to believe cuz the album is a freakin masterpiece imo but, it was so different, much milder and much more melodic, so there were rougher black metal fans who actually disapproved it but You like it, don't You, and I adore it :D It still is the one and only album which is different from all the rest. If you look at ppl's opinions nowadays - many of them would say it's their most fav Cata album, or one of Cata's best, the original reaction though wasn't exactly like that. The Time Unchained also brought negative opinions by some ppl and was disapproved, but there are fans who enjoy it, in this number me too and You aswell.
To be clear - I'm not comparing the 3 albums (they can't be compared rly), just comparing the reaction they brought.

So, as long as there is someone who still likes smth, THAT thing isn't a failure and doesn't "clearly suck". What might be bad for you, is good for someone else. Like they say, there are passengers for every train :) .