Catchy breakdown.. addictive drums and "Criminal" head..LMK WHAT YOU THINK

thanks for the response guys!

So by open are you talking more about the drums?

Also i think when i add bass and update the link will add a ton of body!
Both, I think you might have too much reverb on the drums or something. Guitars need more low end, even when you add bass guitar in there.
drums have almost no reverb except the snare.. which has a little but i do think guitars could have a little more low end. thanks for the input bud :)
This. Drum needs to be more "in-your-face", I think..

Yeah i had to make this preset with addictive drums. i think once i get my metal ADpak the drums will be IN YOUR FACE ! lol

thanks for the input though :p
Cool twists in the breakdown. However the guitars are modeled, right? At least the sound like a modeler and that's never a good thing. :)
It seems like you scooped just a bit too much of the mids out of the the kick and toms. The snare is completely lacking body, and has a weird ringing around 800Hz or so that you may or may not want to kill. I personally am not fond of it, and would probably eq it out, but that is just my opinion.

The guitars also have too much high end fizz. You should try putting a low pass around 5kHz seeing as you're using some type of Pod.
hey man thanks a ton. i like the ring on the snare but may kick it out some. ill ad some more mid to the toms and kick... as far as the pod tone ... im workin on it :/ hhahaha