I could only hope that something larger and stronger than the humans using these animals as shark bait will overpower and do the same back to them.
Vigilante Justice!!!
Rabbits and kangaroos are hunted here with high caliber firearms by the military when their populations reach thresholds that are too high. Ultimately if any area starts to become infested with a species until they become vermin-like, they are not going to be valued as individuals. China is a good example that people do this to themselves too.
It's just a reality. A pretty cruel and despicable one, but no less real.
I wonder if they'd start doing the same with their children if and when small villages become over-populated.
Hopefully Marcus doesn't take a peak inside this thread... given his love for dogs.
Yeah, I've popped in here, but just like with the last time a thread about this surfaced, I know better than to even click the link, as it'll just piss me off!