Cattle Decapitation - The Harvest Floor bass tone


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
I am really, really liking this tone at the moment, it's one of the gnarliest, most disgusting bass tones I have ever heard....
Does anyone have any idea how to get that tone?

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Yeah man, it's great, death metal with just enough spazzy grind.

I've been meaning to get an HM-2 and a RAT, so that's lucky.....:D
They are both stomp pedals, the HM-2 is made by boss and is normally used to get the "swedish" death metal guitar tone like entombed,

the RAT is a very popular distortion pedal made by Pro Co
I once watched the badass Mr. Otero, run a HM-2 into a sansamp BDDI...and of course it was beastly