Cattle Decapitation - To Serve Man


Mar 26, 2002
Portland, Oregon
Here we go. You can find the original review by following this link; Cattle Decapitation review


I've had this album for quite some time now, and I still don't know what to think about it. I've tried to analyze it, dissect it, digest it, and just plain sit through it in one listen. All descriptions are fleeting, and feelings are a bag of mixed tricks. For once I've been completely stumped. Well, in all actuality Cattle Decapitation beat me down to within a fraction of my life.

"Ever been forced into a vasectomy by an axe-wielding homovore?"

Gore/grind is nothing new to me. I've listened to my fair share, although I don't hold it in any high regards. It's always extreme (as we all know it could never become anything more, and that's the whole novelty of the genre), but Cattle Decapitation goes to extremes within extremes of the gore/grind scene. I don't know if I should be praising their utterly sick and twisted (not to mention devoid of feeling) styling that is well over the edge, and their ability to create new extremes that revolutionize and shape the future of all music to come. Or maybe I should be completely appalled by the sheer amount of grotesque gratuity of graphic gore and violence that is within the thirty minutes of To Serve Man. Only to be promptly followed by my body refusing what it just heard and falling into involuntary vomiting to purge the wretched filth from my system.

"Step inside the human jumpsuit, see what they saw, feel what they felt"

Cattle Decapitation churns out the grind music(?) like McDonald's passes out burgers; all too often and in massive quantities. If there is one step below raw, then Cattle Decapitation is two- no, three steps beneath that. While you can't make out a single word or grunt, the lyrical content of To Serve Man is of amazing quality. To make up for the shortness of each song, every word has been carefully crafted, and when read makes you winch and laugh out loud, that is after your stomach has just turned.

"Upchuck on the maggot-lined trunk, the beautiful act of blowing the chunk"

Did I mention that To Serve Man has been banned from Germany?

"You and your children now on my grill"

To Serve Man is in fact a brilliant album that will more than likely be passed up by most, and scoffed at by all others. To Serve Man is also one of the most horrid takes on "music" (if that's what it can be called) that you will ever hear, and that contrast my friends, is what constitutes a piece of ground breaking art.

"Allow me to reiterate your worthlessness, now reduced to ground beef"

Rating: 1-5/5:It doesn't matter what side of the coin you fall on, Cattle Decapitation will fill you with a myriad of emotions unlike that you have ever felt before. It's inhuman, hell it's inhumane as well as being uncanny, but most of all, it's, To Serve Man.


You know where to find me.

Man I bought that disc the other day and hoooolllyyy shit..I remember when Cattle Decapitation was a labelless band on are kicking more ass than ever these days. FUCKIN' CATTLE DECAPITATION!!