Cattle Decapitation


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
I've been listening to Cattle Decapitation a lot this past week and have quickly grown a liking for them. Anyone else here like or even heard of them before?

Anyone who's been to their shows: Mind telling me the expirience?
ShadowOfDeath said:
I've been listening to Cattle Decapitation a lot this past week and have quickly grown a liking for them. Anyone else here like or even heard of them before?

Anyone who's been to their shows: Mind telling me the expirience?
I've seen one of their videos on mtv2 before, and they're on my list of bands to check out. As soon as I get around to it, I'll grab their stuff of a direct connect hub for closer inspection. I liked what I heard from the TV though.
They're not really grind now; To Serve Man has a lot more death metal a la Cannibal Corpse than grind. I love Cattle Decapitation. Sure the drums chug away like monotonous bastards, but man, their riffs kick ass and their earlier grind stuff had some very interesting things going on. The latter half of Human Jerky in particular is quite spectacular.
SculptedCold said:
They're not really grind now; To Serve Man has a lot more death metal a la Cannibal Corpse than grind. I love Cattle Decapitation. Sure the drums chug away like monotonous bastards, but man, their riffs kick ass and their earlier grind stuff had some very interesting things going on. The latter half of Human Jerky in particular is quite spectacular.

Yeah To Serve Man sounds more death metal then anything else. Do you know where i can get homovore or human jerky? Or where i can find songs on p2p and perhaps burn it or something? Kazaa only has a few tracks and most i believe are off To Serve Man.
ShadowOfDeath said:
Yeah To Serve Man sounds more death metal then anything else. Do you know where i can get homovore or human jerky? Or where i can find songs on p2p and perhaps burn it or something? Kazaa only has a few tracks and most i believe are off To Serve Man.
Get on DC++ d00d! I can share you Human Jerky anyway. No doubt you'll find Homovore as well. I need to download that one again as well.

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and then sign on to sometime in DC++, don't forget to have two upload slots open.
The only thing I've headr from them was the video on mtv2, and i thought it was terrible. On top of that the guitarist and vocalist are annoying as fuck to watch...
Cattle Decapitation sucks. The whole cd (To Serve Man) sounds the same, and gets boring after 2 songs. And they're huge vegi-lovers. Animal rights and grind don't mix.