CD BLOWOUT: $2 each OR Trade for almost any CD


Aug 1, 2005
Hey, I'm brand new to this board. I normally post at: Metal Archives, Metal-Rules & NWN, where I have plenty of references. You can also check my ebay profile: kevinpage123 (100% positive rating)

Location: USA, will trade/sale worldwide.

1 - The ones I have w/o back covers: my 3 for your 1 whole CD
2 - Even if you do not have anything on my WANT list, I will give you 2 for
any decent death/black/grind CD that I can re-trade or sell at my local
3 - MAKE ME AN OFFER. The larger the trade/sale the more flexible I am
4 - If you want to buy: CD's w/o back covers: $2 each + cost of postage

** I do not want any Russian/Thai/bootleg/CDR's or promo copies**
** I will/can send photos of any of the items we will trade**

Any questions, email is preferred: but PM is also fine. Please include your SCREENAME in your email. Thanks

CD's to TRADE (all contents included)

Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin (2 disc version)
Meat Shits - Ecstasy of Death **RARE**
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Grand Opening & Closing (The End 2006 reissue digipak)
Vital Remains - Icons of Evil

DVD - Vader - And Blood Was Shed in Warsaw 2007 Metal Mind Productions

CD's to trade
***no back inserts, only music CD & front cover/booklet*** All are original 1st pressing, unless otherwise noted. These are NOT promos. I threw out my jewel cases w/ back inserts when I moved, but kept the front cover/booklet & music CD.

Absu - Son of Tipareth (CD only - Osmose 1995)
At The Gates- Slaughter of the Soul
Coroner - R.I.P
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh
Cradle of Filth - Vempire
Cradle of Filth - Bitter Suites to Succubi
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave EP
Deicide- Serpants of the Light
Deicide - In Torment in Hell
Dismember - Indecent & Obscene (Candlelight reissue w/ bonus)
Entombed - Clandestine
God Dethroned - Thr Grand Grimore
King Diamond - The Graveyard
Marduk - La Grande Danse Macabre
Mindrot - Dawning
Mindrot - Forlorn
Mindrot - Soul
Meathook Seed - Embedded
Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering
Samel - Ceremony of Opposites - (Century Media promo- CD only)
Slayer - Reign in Blood
The Haunted - The Haunted Made me do it
Witchery - Symphony for the Devil
Witchery - Restless & Dead

WANT LIST- email me for complete list: