cd replication


Oct 10, 2007
so it has come time for my band to get our artwork and music into a package.

ive found a few sites online that offer what were looking for:
4 panel insert
cd jewel case with clear insert
full color front back full color cd

im wondering if anyone has any input on these companies and or any suggestions of other companies(better quality/pricing)

if anyone knows of a good company that would do a replication at a decent cost for 500 cds im all ears.

any other advice is more than welcome. thanks for your time.
i know its dumb i tried telling the rest of the band that.... they think 1k cds is too many and they will just sit around forever.... im with you though, i want 1k cuz the the cost is right.
well, in looking arbitrarily through the sites, I don't see the cost benefit of doing 500. I don't even see an offer of 500 through Diskfaktory, just 100, 300 or 1000...And, the 100 and 300 are duplications, not replications.

what's the average cost of 500 vs. 1000 among your research? if it's 100 bucks or so, just think of the cheap advertising you could get to send 500 CD's to wherever/whoever you wanted. I guess I don't see the justification. Regardless, that's off topic, sorry.

Diskfaktory did great work for the CD's we had made. My band has released 2 CD's that were done there, and both have had to have subsequent re-presses. I noticed a bit of difference in the color printing from one press to another (although it was VERY minimal), but they both looked great...I actually preferred the 2nd press of each better in hindsight.
i happen to have a current discmaker's catalog right here next to me

anyways, for what you stated - jewel case, 4-panel folder, full color, 500 copies costs $1195. 1000 copies costs $1290.

i would tell the rest of your band to stop being vaginas, and to pony up the other $100 for 500 more CD's. if nothing else, you can sell them for a lot less(or even give away a bunch of free/promo copies), since the cost per disc drops from $2.39 to $1.29

i don't know if you guys have any merch yet, but for $1.29/disc, you could probably give them away free with t-shirts and shit, or sell the disc itself for $5-6, and still be making money.
Yeah, it's all about advertising. Sell the CDs for like $8-10 at shows and once you sell 100 of them you've more or less made your cash back and then you can start giving them away for free with t-shirts or selling them at $5 each and sending out 100s of copies to magazines for review and promotion. My band pressed 1000 copies of our CD and we've basically given them all away. $1300 to get your music out to 1000 people is pretty cheap advertising, being in a band requires that sort of investment at first... !!
My one band went through them for our EP. Good prices and Great work!!!!!
I plan to use them everytime. They have awesome customer service.
jesus...would it be possible to order your discs through a company in the US and have them shipped to you?

AFAIK some of the smaller labels do this all the time here in Finland nowadays, so it's possible. I guess the facilities in the US have the most affordable prices ATM since the dollar is so weak compared to euro. Sometimes they just order the cd:s from US and buy the rest here (cases/covers).
Diskfactory is great from smaller amounts while I have found discmakers to be best for larger orders.

If you are getting a small amount (Around 100), you may want to check into local places. I know of some places that are cheaper and faster than the larger companies with the same results.