CDs for sale (used, obviously)


Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Hey everyone,

I am liquidating part of my CD "collection" (though compared to most here, I am barely even a dilettante :D). Anyone who is interested in purchasing any of these, please send me an e-mail at blackdiamond AT mindspring dot com. I guess $5 each should be a fair price, plus whatever shipping costs, so locals or multiples would be preferred. They are of varied ages, so some are pretty old, but all the actual discs should be in good shape. It's just stuff I don't really listen to anymore, mainly.

A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
Aerosmith - Get a Grip
Tori Amos - Strange Little Girls (not sure the "name" for the cover, but the blonde with a couple of braids and a satin-y looking top)
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Armored Saint - Revelation
Believer - Sanity Obscure
Biohazard - State of the World Address; Mata Leao
Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera
Carcass - Heartwork
DC Cooper - DC Cooper
Coverdale Page - Coverdale - Page
Dali's Dilemma - Manifesto for Futurism
Dangerous Toys - Hellacious Acres
Dark Angel - Leave Scars
Death - Symbolic
Demons & Wizards
Doro - Doro
Drain STH - Horror Wrestling
Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory; Live Scenes from New York (original cover)
Edguy - Theater of Salvation
Entombed - Wolverine Blues
Exodus - Force of Habit
Fear Factory - Soul of a New Machine; Demanufacture
Fight - War of Words
Flotsam and Jetsam - When the Storm Comes Down; Cuatro
Garbage - Beautifulgarbage
Grip Inc - Power of Inner Strength
Halford - Live Insurrection; Crucible
Helmet - Meantime
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Steve Jones - Fire and Gasoline
Killing Heidi - Reflection
Machine Head - The More Things Change
Napalm Death - Fear, Emptiness, Despair
Our Lady Peace - Spiritual Machines
Piece Dogs - Exes for Eyes
Prong - Whose Fist Is This Anyway?; Prove You Wrong
Royal Hunt - Paradox
Oh, and I have bunches of other stuff for sale, too--basically, my entire household. I'll probably have a moving sale later this month, but in the meantime, if any locals want to come see what I got, let me know. Not like I have plans to be anywhere. :p

I know my list hardly compares to the others :p, but I put them up on Ebay, along with a few additions, and some DVDs as well:

(Let me know if the link doesn't work; it does for me, but I'm the seller, so... :p)

I also have an absolute fuckton of books, hardback and paperback, that I will be listing soon, assuming my "test run" of 2 books goes well. Also have 2 Craigslist stuff for local area folks--an Ibanez TR 50 bass (great for beginners) and an old, beat-up bedroom suite (also great for beginners! :tickled:). More to come, including another bass, some awesome KRK monitors, and more furniture.
