Cehck these guys out...!!!!.. A tribute to oepth


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2007

Killer vox.....also the guys heav Mikey's approval mesage in thier pictures...hahaha...thats aweosme.....Mike loved TBYFW...but said sanre was a tad too loud.....but eyah tehse guys sound really really good....check 'em out....I jsut added tehm to our friends list..>!!!...PEAC EOUT
Thought the clean vox were really quite bad, very bad indeed, didn't love the rest either by any stretch. Cant win em all I suppose.
never actually heard anybody pulloff an opeth cover well..except some swedish guy that once posted here, that i actually saw today in "slottskogen goes progressive"...
edit: and myself ;P
c'mon, stop giving the guy a hard time :) i think he is being a true opeth fan and supporting them no matter what, he just can't type very well (most of the time) :p

no, he should just pay more attention to what he types. typing is not hard, it's a matter of pressing keys, any monkey can learn it. i think he's typing like that on purpose.
no, he should just pay more attention to what he types. typing is not hard, it's a matter of pressing keys, any monkey can learn it. i think he's typing like that on purpose.
A new form of ebonics, brought on from learning a horrible butchering of the English language by reading what 12 year olds who think their rap stars, say on the internet.
wow....even Mikey said he liked them...maybe him and me are missing what u all hear .....or dont hear i guess......I still think they soudn relaly good...those are live recordings...not somethign recorded in amilllion dollar studio..!!!...o well to each his own...!!...PEAC EOUT