Cellador On The CMS!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a EST Saturdays

THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: After the debacle that was last week, The Classic Metal Show regroups with a powerful show for you. We do so with a brand new band which most of you are probably not familiar with. The name of the band is Cellador. They hail from the middle of America somewhere, but you'd never know by hearing them. They are a new version of classic Helloween. Their new album, ENTER DECEPTION, has been out for a little while now, but we finally got our hands on it for the show, and we can't wait to bring it to you guys. We'll do a New Music Listening Party for ENTER DECEPTION, and we're going to track down one of the guys from the band to introduce them to the fans of the CMS! We guarantee you guys will love them!