Cellador Setlist

Bullet For My Valentine

In Flames We Trust
May 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
1. A Sign Far Beyond
2. Never Again
3. ??????
4. Forever Unbound
bass solo
5. Eagle Fly Free
6. Follow Me
guitar battle
7. Seen Through Time
8. Leaving All Behind
9. Eye Of The Tiger
10. No Chances Lost

What did they play after 'Never Again'? There are two songs in their CD left out of the above list: 'Awakineing' and 'Releasing the Sadow'. Does anyone know which one they played? I hate my short memory.

Anyway, when I listened to Cellador last year, I thought they're from Germany. They always remind me of early Edguy. I have always loved them and now I do more since they played two Helloween songs in PPVIII:) PP is a little bit more prog-oriented (than power) for my taste, but they saved me!! They should support Helloween+Gamma Ray tour in the U.S next year.
From what Mike told me, they actually opened for Gamma Ray at one point.

dude you were going fucking wild as shit during celladoor, i just look and see this huge space in the crowd people had made so you didnt hit them haha! good thing no one was near you, they would have probably left on a stretcher.