
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Yeah they were here last night, and i got quest passes for me me and my daughter Rachel, who actually likes them, well to my surprise they were excellent, and very nice and gracious guys. But imagine my surprise when we arrived and i happened to notice one guys in the band wearing a PROGPOWERUSA III shirt and the sound man wearing a PROGPOWER USA VI shirt, and me in my PROGPOWER VII shirt, Well just goes to show that this festival is becoming world renown, as if there was any doubt.
Pyramaze51 said:
imagine my surprise when we arrived and i happened to notice one guys in the band wearing a PROGPOWERUSA III shirt and the sound man wearing a PROGPOWER USA VI shirt, and me in my PROGPOWER VII shirt, Well just goes to show that this festival is becoming world renown, as if there was any doubt.

That's awesome!

Glad to hear it was a good show; I'll be checking them out on the 27th :kickass:
Pyramaze51 said:
But imagine my surprise when we arrived and i happened to notice one guys in the band wearing a PROGPOWERUSA III shirt and the sound man wearing a PROGPOWER USA VI shirt, and me in my PROGPOWER VII shirt, Well just goes to show that this festival is becoming world renown, as if there was any doubt.

Wow, that's pretty amazing! Glenn, any idea how someone in Celtic Frost got a ProgPower USA III (wow, III) shirt? :rock:
kellsco said:
I totally spaced the show here in NM on Thursday night. I was so pissed when I remembered last night when a guy walked into work wearing one of their shirts. grrrr

I'm one lame metalchick. *hangs head in shame*

Pellaz said:
Wow, that's pretty amazing! Glenn, any idea how someone in Celtic Frost got a ProgPower USA III (wow, III) shirt? :rock:
He siad he was over with GAMMA RAY.