Cemetery Filth "Screams From The Catacombs (OSDM)

Mar 5, 2013
Hailing from the mountainous Eastern region of Tennessee, Cemetery Filth sound like they did indeed just crawl out of a grave with their morbid, defiantly throwback style of murky death metal. Their first EP is full of strong riffs and songwriting. Presented on a red shell cassette with 4-panel j-card. You can stream the EP here: https://unspeakableaxerecords.bandcamp.com/album/screams-from-the-catacombs

The cassettes are in stock and you can order them now: http://www.unspeakableaxerecords.co...in_page=product_info&cPath=69&products_id=211

For wholesale inquiries PM me. Great rate on these - I'd like to spread this filth around as much as possible.

Copies are headed to Iron Bonehead (Germany) and Crawling Chaos (Australia) if you're looking for these overseas.