Centinex - Decadence - Prophecies of Cosmic Chaos


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Centinex – Decadence – Prophecies Of Cosmic Chaos
Candlelight – CANUS0062 - 2004
By Rodrigo Escandon


Centinex have been around for quite some time; with a back-catalogue of solid death/thrash albums, Hellbrigade is a highlight. Decadence – Prophecies of Cosmic Chaos takes the band into a whole new level. While maintaining their core sound, Centinex have explored new musical ideas that add diversity to their sound, thus resulting in stronger and more varied songs.

Centinex continue the death/thrash attack with the same ferocity as before, but the songs now feature more groove, more melody and different tempos. Opener “Arrival of the Spectrum Obscure” is a classic ferocious Swedish thrash song, as is “Target: Dimension XII”, which features one of the best guitar solos on the album. “Misanthropic Darkzone”, my favorite, mixes both a grooves and slower tempos with fast parts, and the singing is more like death metal. That is to say it is slower and of a lower pitch - definitely not in the screaming thrash style - and the vocal melodies are both understandable and easily remembered.

Centinex have been close to breaking through and becoming a bigger name. With Decadence – Prophecies of Cosmic Chaos I believe they have managed to achieve that. The band just seem to have put it all together for this album. The singing of Johan Jansson is excellent, and he shows quite a bit of range and numerous styles. The guitar duo of Jonas Kjellgren and Johan Ahlberg is excellent, and has come up with first-rate, memorable riffs, as well as some great leads. Martin Schulman on bass, and Ronnie Bergerståhl, round up the band with their tight playing. Finally, the production quality is outstanding as this is the best sounding Centinex record.

All these ingredients and improvements should make Decadence – Prophecies of Cosmic Chaos the album that helps Centinex become a recognizable name in the metal scene. This is a worthy purchase!


Centinex Official Website
Candlelight Official Website