Centinex - World Declension


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Centinex - World Declension
Regain Records - RR081 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Centinex have been plying their particular brand of thrash-inflected, speedy death metal for around fifteen years now, so one would have thought that they'd be pretty damned proficient at the style by now. And so it proves, with latest platter World Declension arriving packed full of fast-paced riffage, Slayer-on-steroids velocities and unchecked brutality throughout. However, they've also brought an increased proficiency at songwriting with them since their last outing, which gives this album a considerable edge over their previous material.

'Synthetic Sin Zero' is the most catchy and memorable song Centinex have yet recorded, it's expertly paced introduction guiding the listener into the track before letting the drums off the leash. Elsewhere, 'As Legions Come' utilises tempos closer to doom than the group have, to this reviewer's knowledge, ever come before, creating an atmosphere of suffocating malevolence which suits the dark atmosphere conjured by the production job perfectly.

However, it's not all smiles - while parts of the album like those mentioned above mark an improvement in Centinex's writing abilities, tracks like the somewhat workmanlike opener 'Victorious Dawn Rising' show that the group are still capable of falling into the Centinex-by-numbers trap. However, if you're a fan of the band, then this will undoubtedly be a satisfying listen. As for the rest of us, those hungering for some proficient, technical and brutal death/thrash could do far worse than look here.


Official Centinex Website
Official Regain Records Website