Century – Century


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Century – Century
Self-released – EP – 2005
By Russell Garwood


Century prove an interesting proposition. Founded by former ArmsBendBack guitarist Carson Slovak, this is – in all senses of the word – a one man band. Carson is responsible for writing, performing, producing, engineering and mixing everything on Century, the project’s debut EP. The music is modern hardcore with metal leanings, infused with rock elements. Solid walls of guitar give a heavy sound, and often draw attention away from the intricate melodies contained within. Tight leads and precise breakdowns occur throughout, under which the powerful bass has ample room to shine. Strong drumming completes this exact and forceful rhythm section. The vocals vary between a hardcore shout, emotive and a successful front to the sound, and occasional raw singing – most notably in David Bowie cover ’Andy Warhol’. This is completed by clear, well balanced production, and excellent presentation for a self-released CD.

Century is an impressive debut, especially when you consider the fact that it is all the work of Carson Slovak. The line-up has now expanded to a four member band, so live shows are a possibility. I look forward to hearing further output, as this release certainly shows much promise. In the meantime Century are worth checking out for fans of modern hardcore and metalcore.


Official Century website