Cephalic Carnage - Anomalies
Relapse Records RR6638-2 March 15, 2005
By Rodrigo Escandon
The first time I was ever introduced to Cephalic Carnage was at a live show when they were touring for Lucid Interval. At the time I was not very impressed by what I heard but I dont like making opinions on a band based on a live show and so after hearing so many great things about Lucid Interval I decided to go ahead and buy it and I was blown away with the bands exploration into jazz. Well with Anomalies, the band has decided to go into the doom direction that was exhibited in their Halls of Amenti EP with more of a stoner rock flavor and they have definitely crafted another solid album.
Before the band hits you with this doom vibe the band starts off things with Scientific Remote Viewing a song that is a combination of thrash, death and grind. Wraith is more math-metal with plenty of tempo changes and breakdowns. Inside is Out is a mostly jazzy song and it definitely reminds one of the songs in Lucid Interval. Counting the Days will be the first song that displays the doom/stoner rock vibe but it is intermingled with thrashy riffs. On the other hand Sleeprace displays this same musical vibe throughout the song and it contains an amazing bluesy guitar solo. Piecemaker starts out with a low-sounding fuzzy stoner rock riff before it the pace quickens a tad and the production decibels jump up. The vocals are a mix of a low growl and a cleaner scream and this is definitely one of my favorite songs on Anomalies.
The albums closing track Ontogeny of Behavior is a mammoth slab of Isis type doom/drone. It opens up with ethereal clean guitars and by the 2:47 mark the pace begins to pick just a tad and that is played back and forth before the heavier section of the song is introduced. The singing that is heard during this time is a combination of clean soulful singing with some heavier screams. At 5:12, the pace picks up dramatically and we are once again reminded that you are listening to Cephalic Carnage but only for about a minute as the song fades out to the slower section of the beginning before it picks up the pace and heaviness all the way to the end.
Of course, what would a Cephalic Carnage album be without a parody/ode song and in Anomalies the band provides us with Dying Will Be the Death of Me. This track is a parody homage of all the melodic death metal bands and not only is it one of the best songs on the album but its a song that is better than the 90% of the output coming out from all the melodic death metal bands. Its got the clean vocals chorus, the big solo in the middle and the fast riffing and harsh singing during the verses. The lyrics are also fantastic, how can you not like lines such as It hurts when I smile. Only happy when others are in pain. When I was younger, life was in my heart.
Anomalies has turned into another of my favorite albums of 2005 and after so many months from its release it still sounds as fresh as the first time I heard it. Cephalic Carnage has once again changed musical directions and succeeded and I cant highly recommend this album enough.
Relapse Records Official Website
Cephalic Carnage Official Website
Relapse Records RR6638-2 March 15, 2005
By Rodrigo Escandon

The first time I was ever introduced to Cephalic Carnage was at a live show when they were touring for Lucid Interval. At the time I was not very impressed by what I heard but I dont like making opinions on a band based on a live show and so after hearing so many great things about Lucid Interval I decided to go ahead and buy it and I was blown away with the bands exploration into jazz. Well with Anomalies, the band has decided to go into the doom direction that was exhibited in their Halls of Amenti EP with more of a stoner rock flavor and they have definitely crafted another solid album.
Before the band hits you with this doom vibe the band starts off things with Scientific Remote Viewing a song that is a combination of thrash, death and grind. Wraith is more math-metal with plenty of tempo changes and breakdowns. Inside is Out is a mostly jazzy song and it definitely reminds one of the songs in Lucid Interval. Counting the Days will be the first song that displays the doom/stoner rock vibe but it is intermingled with thrashy riffs. On the other hand Sleeprace displays this same musical vibe throughout the song and it contains an amazing bluesy guitar solo. Piecemaker starts out with a low-sounding fuzzy stoner rock riff before it the pace quickens a tad and the production decibels jump up. The vocals are a mix of a low growl and a cleaner scream and this is definitely one of my favorite songs on Anomalies.
The albums closing track Ontogeny of Behavior is a mammoth slab of Isis type doom/drone. It opens up with ethereal clean guitars and by the 2:47 mark the pace begins to pick just a tad and that is played back and forth before the heavier section of the song is introduced. The singing that is heard during this time is a combination of clean soulful singing with some heavier screams. At 5:12, the pace picks up dramatically and we are once again reminded that you are listening to Cephalic Carnage but only for about a minute as the song fades out to the slower section of the beginning before it picks up the pace and heaviness all the way to the end.
Of course, what would a Cephalic Carnage album be without a parody/ode song and in Anomalies the band provides us with Dying Will Be the Death of Me. This track is a parody homage of all the melodic death metal bands and not only is it one of the best songs on the album but its a song that is better than the 90% of the output coming out from all the melodic death metal bands. Its got the clean vocals chorus, the big solo in the middle and the fast riffing and harsh singing during the verses. The lyrics are also fantastic, how can you not like lines such as It hurts when I smile. Only happy when others are in pain. When I was younger, life was in my heart.
Anomalies has turned into another of my favorite albums of 2005 and after so many months from its release it still sounds as fresh as the first time I heard it. Cephalic Carnage has once again changed musical directions and succeeded and I cant highly recommend this album enough.
Relapse Records Official Website
Cephalic Carnage Official Website