Chances of a GR Tour live DVD?


Sep 22, 2004
Suffolk, UK
Apologies if this has been covered before.

Following the incredible job afforded to Lamentations, I really hope that the band decide to release another live DVD from their current tour.

They appear to be really tight on the Rockpalast footage (perhaps more so than when I saw them in Nottingham and Leeds last year) and it would be something else to have a visual document of their current tour.

Anyone heard anything to add fuel to this?


I think this was covered before...I cant remember what people said
...sort of on topic, wasnt there a 3 hr show that Opeth did a little while ago and they played some orchid songs and stuff...that was rumoured to be recoreded, any truth in this one either?
Scourge of Malice said:
The Chronology Show or whatever it was called.. I think it might have been recorded.

yeh that might be it, i think it was in New York or somethin
the Chronology shows weren't recorded... there was a thread back when the Chronology shows were first announced and people were asking if it was going to be and suggesting that it should be, but Mike said they weren't going to, but that they do definitely intend making another live DVD eventually... I don't know the current legal relations between Opeth and their label/ex-labels, but I'm sure Opeth would want to be able to play any songs off any of their albums, old or new, for their next live DVD, which they weren't able to do for Lamentations
I'd be disappointed if contractual issues are preventing the band from making another live DVD featuring a cross section of their back catalogue. Perhaps these negotiations are still on-going but I would like to think that Opeth's/Roadrunner's legal representation are doing their best to sort this out. Off the top of my head, I can't think of many (in fact, any) bands that have had to limit the content of a new live album/DVD because of their previous signings. I guess that some just take the financial hit if they are sure that the release is going to be profitable. Perhaps Roadrunner don't feel they are in a strong enough position with the band to stump up at this point. All conjecture I know but just my view.

Maybe I should give my mate Alexis Grower a call :)


One of my main hopes for Opeth for when they signed to Roadrunner was that they could release a DVD with a much better back catalogue, as there's more chance of RR being able to afford to acquire the rights for them to play! I reckon it's inevitable that soon enough they will. I would imagine there would be quite a backlash if they released another DVD without earlier songs. If they released a DVD with just songs from GR and D&D, it would likely end up being very similar to Lamentations!
i would so cream my pants, if they release a dvd with lamentations quality + older songs like in the mist she was standing an when ...

Anarkissed said:
One of my main hopes for Opeth for when they signed to Roadrunner was that they could release a DVD with a much better back catalogue, as there's more chance of RR being able to afford to acquire the rights for them to play! I reckon it's inevitable that soon enough they will. I would imagine there would be quite a backlash if they released another DVD without earlier songs. If they released a DVD with just songs from GR and D&D, it would likely end up being very similar to Lamentations!

Why would they do that? D&D&BWP are on a different label than GR. My hope is that if they release another live album they skip those three albums altogether cause who wants more of the same songs? :p
I wouldn't mind a Ghost Reveries Live DVD actually now that I think of it

but if they do have access to their whole back catalog with the new DVD they make, hopefully they'll avoid all or most of the songs they played on Lamentations, just to make it a little more interesting for themselves and everyone else
illidurit said:
^ you mean like the one I uploaded about 8 times on and some tards still missed it?

if youre referring to the chronology one, i was the one that originally uploaded it there. :cool: