Chances of a GR Tour live DVD?

Id be happy for another DVD if they were able to get the rights to older songs. If not, there wouldn't be a point as youd just get a few new songs in there. Boring. A show like the Chronology would be awesome to have on DVD though.
wankerness said:
Why would they do that? D&D&BWP are on a different label than GR. My hope is that if they release another live album they skip those three albums altogether cause who wants more of the same songs? :P

Yeah but if they re-released the albums, they would then have the rights to the songs and could have a dvd that didn just have those tracks on there. Like allll the albummmss.!!!!! and have a dvd with classic opeth tracks from the whole back catalogue.
Liquid Diamonds said:
Anathema - 'Were You There?' DVD, also on Music For Nations.

Yeah, I was going to say that. I think it happens with basically any band that shifts labels, unless they're rich enough to buy up their back catalog. Although the Gathering's last DVD had stuff from their century media albums on it. Maybe MFN is just the cheapest label in existence.