Chances Three help


Alone in the Superunknown
Dec 12, 2004
South Australia
Hey, I got redirected here from the Nevermore board. I was told Chris may have tabbed out a tab for the song Chances Three by Nevermore. If Chris or anyone could maybe post it on here I would be eternally grateful because I love that song and cannot find a tab anywhere.

Thanks again :D
Ahh, on Franklin Street. I know where it is. They're always advertising in the paper :P ALWAYS! but perhaps i will drop in sometime wat sort of brands do they stock?
well on the weekends in the music section of the classifieds there's a lot of harrisons ads in there. trust me i notice it every weekend but yeah wat sorts of brands do you stock in?
Oh, shows how much I know about our advertising... :erk:

We deal a lot in strings, woodwind, brass instruments, old, wierd instruments etc. and we have HEAPS of sheet music... In guitars, we stock a lot of beginner packs etc. They're not awesome, but for their price their excellent for people starting out... We also stock some better stuff like Cole Clark Acoustic guitars, Admira Spanish/Classical guitars and some cool secondhand stuff, various acoustics and a 1974 Strat...

Unfortunately we don't get many of the higher end electric guitars cos you have to order heaps high volumes of the things for the companies to supply you... We can do special orders for a few different things though...

Anyway, I'll shut up now... :D
I think noone does have it tabbed out...
so I can't really help, but maybe an interesting story for ya:

I used Chances Three as I was attending the university as a vocal performance. we had to perform on 2 instruments - 1 main instrument with 2 pieces (which was guitar) and as second instrument (one piece) I chose vocals (due to the fact that I don't play piano yet, I had to go for a minor musical education, but as soon as my piano skills are good enough, I will upgrade!)

guess which songs I played? it was:
1. Nevermore - The River Dragon Has Come
2. Johann Sebastian Bach - Lute Double BWV 997 (the one chris did)

and then, as mentioned, I sang Chances Three... it was very cool, I did work on that with my vocal coach for about some months... I had to pitch it down, because I am more of a bass bariton. so, the other guitarist of my band and I sat down and transcribed it on a 6 string western guitar tuned down to b!
some of the parts were very hard to hear, so we decided to shape it a bit, and make it our own! I really love this version, it has some more experimental feeling now, less classical! I may record the vocals of it within the next weeks, I still have the backing track, my friend recorded, on my computer...

it was very fun to do that. though I sucked in my opinion, I got a 1,3 as result, which is somewhat like an A in outer german rating system, I guess :)

but, is anyone interested in my version?
