Chances Three help


Alone in the Superunknown
Dec 12, 2004
South Australia
Hello guys, haven't been on the boards in a while but something is annoying the shite out of me.

The song Chances Three by Nevermore. Beautiful piece of music. However there's no tabs out there for it whatsoever. I was wondering if anyone has a tab for it or anything of the sort? If so it would be of great help :)

Also, for the record (please dont take note of my crappy hairstyle :P):

You should have asked Loomis while you had the chance! Seeing as it's quite a rare song I doubt you'll have too much luck finding a tab for it. Sorry.

Only thing I can suggest is to make friends with a good guitarist with an equally good ear and get him to listen to it and tab it for you. Who knows, maybe there's someone around here who fits that bill?
i could probably figure it out by ear, im really good at that kinda shit. Me and Bozarth asked Jeff and WD about Chances Three back in 03 and they laughed at us.
I was wondering something about Chances Three.
Back in the day I heard, what I think was a demo version. This was probably 91-92ish. I remember the vocals being different than the version stuck on the DHIADW disk.

Anyone know if there are multiple versions of that, or am I just remembering something incorrectly?