Changing batter heads in the middle of session?


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
We're finally going to record our full length album with 12 tracks and our drummer wants real drums so I told him to get at least another set of batters for the snare and toms. I'm using my ears for tuning and a tension watch for fine tuning. I always write down all the numbers for each drum but I'm wondering if that's enough to keep the drums in tune after we changed the head?
If you sample the kit with the first heads it should be REALLY easy to use those as a reference for getting the replaced heads at the same pitch.

great, I think I will do it like that.

changing the Snare top every four hours seems quite often. he's a pretty good and tight drummer, not the hardest hitter but not a whimp, too.
When doing a full length I'll usually change all the heads (except kick) once after about half of the songs, or sooner if we hear it getting dead. If the drummer isn't very good though, don't waste the time - it won't make a difference.
It's usually not too hard to match the tuning, just spend some time initially to find the sweet spot and you'll know what you're going for next time you change the head, and like someone said you can reference a sample.