Chaos ridden years

Ok, just told them, they're coming


nooooooooooo, not them :ill:
well the HB theme would kinda look like this one as they are both green :p

I've asked MetalAges, now i just have to wait for the reply.

Except the 2 COBHC logos at the top of the page and fist etc.

I'm not a fan of the newer themes so I think the older stuff would be cooler but a change would be nice I suppose.
Except the 2 COBHC logos at the top of the page and fist etc.

I'm not a fan of the newer themes so I think the older stuff would be cooler but a change would be nice I suppose. tired of the green stuff, so if they change to to SW, FTR, HCDR or CRY that would be ok.
pfff at least you got a fuckin reply...
i mean all the guy does is ban people ffs, does he actually give a fuck about members of the forum who actually are serious aboun the conversations and shit and might want some changes to the forum?
all he worries about is banning trolls, fuckin pathetic.
it's not easy having a forum with almost 70,000 members, you know. I once was asked to run a board with 500 and that was hard enough since I wasn't allowed to have global mods so I gave up and now I run my smaller forum.
thats why you have admins and moderators...
i mean, the mods here are almost never on, and if they are it looks like they dont giva a fuck about what they are suposed to do.
i was a moderator for a section of a big forum once, and at least i did my job, but these guys dont do shit at all.
^that's why deron is so busy all the time probably, if the mods don't do shit, he's got to keep everything in order himself and seeing how big UM is... well you get the idea