Charlie Daniels Not Happy About 'Devil' In 'Guitar Hero III'

Is that a late April Fools joke, or perhaps an Onion story?

If not it's just silly talk ... it's a game for crying out loud. Who really gives a rats ass if the "Devil" can win or not .. other than Charlie, and religious radicals.



As Sgt. Hulka would say: "Lighten up, Francis."
I think we're all missing the point here.


Charlie Daniels is upset because it is possible for a fictional character in a video game to win in his fictional song. It appears he has been diagnosed with a case of mistaken self-importance. He should probably just acknowledge his irrelevance and leave the rest of us alone at this point.
I have to agree with you at least somewhat after reading Charlie's full statement. Although I don't necessarily think he lacks concern for the integrity of his artwork just because he's missing out on the cash. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle of what you and he are saying.

I don't remember what all I heard or when, but I do remember hearing some stuff a good while back (maybe 10, 12 years) that Charlie Daniels did get a bit of religion. IIRC, he even 'cleaned up' "Long-Haired Country Boy" and re-recorded it with... two country guys I don't recall right now. Hal Ketchum may have been one of them.

I agree that the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. But Britt has a good point--seriously, if someone's biggest concern about corrupting our youth is that they're playing a fucking video game and the devil can win... well, maybe they ought to turn on the news or take a trip to someplace kids hang out sometime. :P
