Charlie Sheen is my new hero

If i would have been rich, famous and good looking when I was 21 I would be just like Charlie. Actually no I wouldn't. I would be dead already. But I am not an F-18 rockstar winner.

I spent many years partying hard and in retrospect basically trying to kill myself with fun. Us regular joes just don't have the resources to take it to his extremes. But in his own nonsensical retarded way Charlie is out there doing blow and partying with porn stars for all of us.
I know you guise wants moarrrrrr

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"What makes you a good Dad?"

He isn't worried his kids will ask about his drug escapades one day.
"I hope they do," the father-of-five said during a TMZ interview Monday, adding that he suspects they'll have this question: "'Dad, fill in the blanks. This stuff's gnarly.'"
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Nothing 'heroic' about losing your teeth, possibly your career and making an ass out of yourself because of drug addiction. But I guess you're all being ironic as usual ;)

Guy's got wit, I'll give you that. Speed that up ('energize it' :lol:) and you've got them bits-

Always a sad thing watching a talented artist head bottom..

..Or not :)
Was watching re-runs of 2 and a half man yesterday. While watching I was thinking, so in this series, and most of his movies he actually is the most normal person he can be.

I think there's no explanation on trying to explain Charlie Sheen other than, he's a Charlie Sheen.
i just don't understand how you can put 2,5men on hold.....ESPECIALLY if it's because of the main character being a giant alcoholic douchebag with zero respect for women. that show IS about charlie sheen. and thats why he's playing it so well, and why it's as successful as it is. he's just acting the way he is, which is probably the best possible way for an actor to portray a character.
i wonder if there's a guy like alan harper in sheens real life. that would explain a lot. the way they interact is just so natural, and fits the show and charlie sheen/harper like a glove.

guess what i'm trying to say is.....2,5 men FTW
Charlie is laughing all the way to the bank! Sure he's spiraling downward, but he's getting paid :lol: He was the highest paid Actor on TV....You think he's doing all these interviews for free?
Charlie is WINNING!!

As long as he doesn't beat any of those females or O.D..... he'll be in the lime light along time.
Hahahaha, he's like Manson, without the psychopathic killing thoughts :goggly:
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