Charlie's Blog


Jun 19, 2005
Estado de Euforia
Charlie makes a very good point, the exact reason why I went to go see them last night.

Like I said in another post maybe they can do a show with both singers, and three guitarist! Would be interesting!
prime666 said:
if maiden can pull 3 guitar players why can't anthrax. I think Joey and John together would be amazing. Fuckling metal history!

Why? Because Anthrax is NOT Maiden, Rob Caggiano is NOT Adrian Smith etc. In my opinion most fans that love the reunion are NOT interested in seeing John and Rob on the same stage with Scott, Charlie, Frankie, Dan and Joey.
hmmm i love the reunion lineup more but i'd love to see the vocal parts shared (not to bothered about guitarists though) but just think of johns' middle pitched vocal approach to lone justice alongside the joey high version,it would be amazing!
jackfromczech said:
Why? Because Anthrax is NOT Maiden, Rob Caggiano is NOT Adrian Smith etc. In my opinion most fans that love the reunion are NOT interested in seeing John and Rob on the same stage with Scott, Charlie, Frankie, Dan and Joey.

I kinda agree, I could see a couple of songs with all seven on stage but an entire show.. dunno ........
jackfromczech said:
Why? Because Anthrax is NOT Maiden, Rob Caggiano is NOT Adrian Smith etc. In my opinion most fans that love the reunion are NOT interested in seeing John and Rob on the same stage with Scott, Charlie, Frankie, Dan and Joey.

Personally, I think it could work, though I'll be the first to admit the two singer idea would be tougher to pull off. I think a three-guitar crunch from 'Thrax would be outstanding, and to hear Danny trade leads with Rob would be pretty exciting.

I do agree, though, that Maiden's music, since it's more on a progressive level, tends to fit the expanded lineup idea a bit more, even though I've never been a fan of Janick's work.
What I ment was having let's say Bush sing some songs, and Belladonna sing some, then in the end have them both out on stage.

Yes Maiden's music is more condusive to having the three guitarists, but it could work. Yes Rob is no Adrian Smith, but he could be a Roy Z!

Not a big fan of sloppy Janick either, when you look at Rock N Rio, it looks like they turn him down in certain places.
I didn't mean that Rob isn't a good guitarist as Adrian. I meant Adrian had been in Iron Maiden for a long time before he left the band in 199?, so when he was asked to join them again, old fans welcomed him back willingly. My opinion is that this is one of a few reasons Rob wasn't asked to join Anthrax on the current tour and the reunion as well - old fans don't "bear any relationship" to him. And if this tour is driven by money (why not???), why the guys should devide their earnings to 6 or 7 people... The less the better. 5 is enough.
jackfromczech said:
And if this tour is driven by money (why not???)

This tour was SUPPOSED to be driven by money. I guess they found out too late there wouldn´t be much more cash actually.
I thought ot that too, touring isn't what it used to be, and would they be willing to split it, or could they more then what they already are?

Also, we don't know what arrangements they have with John and Rob, clearly Charlie seams to think they'll be working together again.
I think it would be a cool fun thing to try having both singers.. Not sure if it would work but it could be interesting having them sing together....It could give them a cool textured sound. 3 guitarists though??? Nahhhhh. Anyway, I am still fucking dying to see this tour. I think it will do moderately well here in the States if well publicized.....
I think do the re-union tour, then get back to the wcfya line up. although Joey is a great singer, he's not as good as bush. Guitarist wise, if its a shred to death contest between Rob and Dan, I think Rob would edge it. What do you think?
somekindofmonster said:
I think do the re-union tour, then get back to the wcfya line up.QUOTE]

That's a dreamed-of step that most Bush fans are praying and hoping for BUT.....
somekindofmonster said:
I think do the re-union tour, then get back to the wcfya line up. although Joey is a great singer, he's not as good as bush. Guitarist wise, if its a shred to death contest between Rob and Dan, I think Rob would edge it. What do you think?

actually mate check out stand or fall. The shreding in the beginning is amazing. I mean Rob is ok but Dan is true Thrax
dailyvault said:
Personally, I think it could work, though I'll be the first to admit the two singer idea would be tougher to pull off. I think a three-guitar crunch from 'Thrax would be outstanding, and to hear Danny trade leads with Rob would be pretty exciting.

Trade what?

I just recently got TGotE, and lead guitar parts are pathetic.

Thank God that midget got back in Thrax.
Boro the Beautiful said:
I just recently got TGotE, and lead guitar parts are pathetic.

IMHO, whoever did the guitar parts on that disc would have been fighting an uphill battle, just because we've all lived with these songs for 20 years, and the original leads are what we hear in our heads and expect to hear on the disc.

I just think that having two lead guitarists up there would push each guy a little harder to capture something special in their solos. It's kind of like the way that Dave Murray and Adrian Smith fed off of each other in Maiden's classic days - check out the vid of "Live After Death".

Just my thought - I still think it would be fun.
I just recently got TGotE, and lead guitar parts are pathetic.

Really I think the solo in I am the law is awesome, and NFL. I know there not the same as the originals but who says it has to be the same every time? Plus charlie probably wrote those two solos anyway, Dan just had to learn them!!
somekindofmonster said:
IReally I think the solo in I am the law is awesome, and NFL. I know there not the same as the originals but who says it has to be the same every time? Plus charlie probably wrote those two solos anyway, Dan just had to learn them!!

I'll grant you that point - the music evolves as time passes. Even if Anthrax had kept the same lineup until now, the solos would have undergone changes. I happened to like the album, even if I still was nostalgic about the original versions - and, I'm sorry, but I do wish Rob had stayed closer to the original solos. I'm just a nostalgic old fart.