Charlton Heston dies at 84

the executive Vice President is Wayne R. LaPierre. I've seen some videos, he's pretty good.
Glad I joined last month.
as far as Hollywood types, probably no body. They are all liberal tree huggin faggots.
Nugent :lol:

Unfortunately to a degree tree hugging is a neccesity due to the nature of humans and the idiocy that they are the be all end all entity of this planet.

Liberal faggot propaganda needs to be squashed however. Ages ago when humans traded respecting what actually sustains them to this exsistance for "religions" to pat the ego on the back and provide comfort and excuse for actions was the path to where we are now.
You guys know your fervent stance is what makes the pubic nervous about you and is possibly a reason they want tighter control right? They see it as dangerous obsession. And tbh, you're not disproving that. And don't bother attacking me, I'm a "to each his own" type in this case.
Truth sucks sometimes. For instance what makes sense? Bearing (or not) a family responsibly within means of what one can realistically provide, or bearing a family because jesus or god (or insert socially acceptable excuse here) says it's alright in this book, then not being able to support the decision made and falling back onto welfare or social support which leads to a chain of events.

I don't give a fuck about "they" or "them" except when my rights or quality of life are fucked with due to squandering explained above.
This guy was a legend of an actor. Who gives a shit about politics....

As far as the NRA, cool, he stood up for peoples right to protect themselves.

Show some fucking respect...damn..:cry: