Chat with the bands this Saturday


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
On Saturday, August 9th, between 2 and 6:30 PM EASTERN TIME on Seismic Radio, you can be a part of a special live chat and musical broadcast featuring members of three bands appearing at ProgPower USA in Atlanta, Georgia.

The bands are Mercenary, Vanden Plas, Circle II Circle

To join the live chat: go to Seismic Radio and then go to the chat link or use IRC (server: and channel: #seismic).

To listen: you need Realplayer.

If you download Realplayer from that link (and only that link), you can listen to Winamp through the Tara plug-in.

Also participating in live chat will be special guests Man on Fire and Pineapple Thief and possibly another band as well.

You will hear the guests' music and much more.