Chats, forums, etc


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I amazes me the pure amount of stupidity and utter bullshit that goes on in these places. Sometimes I just like to sit in a chat and watch people make idiots of themselves. It also makes me glad I can come here for a stupidity detox! :lol:

I might as well make this into a discussion. Why do you think so much of the web is polluted with such blatant racism, homophobia, ignorance, irrationality, and just plain bullshit and stupidity?
I think bullshit is rampant on the internet simply because there is no personal consequence possible. Unless of course you promote and host child pornography…not that I’m in to that kind of thing
I think people are bored and write whatever shit is coming into their mind.
Originally posted by Oyo
Because it's just like real life.

So true. It's a bitch, but you've got to live with that kind of stench around you. There are some absolute fuck heads online, just like in everyday life.
Originally posted by Belial
I amazes me the pure amount of stupidity and utter bullshit that goes on in these places. Sometimes I just like to sit in a chat and watch people make idiots of themselves. It also makes me glad I can come here for a stupidity detox! :lol:

I might as well make this into a discussion. Why do you think so much of the web is polluted with such blatant racism, homophobia, ignorance, irrationality, and just plain bullshit and stupidity?

First of all, since most people are stupid and full of shit, it goes without saying you'll find it all on the internet.

Also, as S4R said - here, on the internet, you're free to fully express the level of unintelligence you possess without consequence - unless of course being banned from a site bothers you.

The internet embodies all that is wrong with humanity. Some examples of why I say this:

I hate advertising. On the internet, they spam you at will. Hit a web site, then you find yourself deleting mounds of advertising e-mails you never asked for. OF course the companies put there little disclaimers on them, and give you the chance to "unsubscribe", but you can't escape it. There's also those pop-up windows too. So the corporate world, or any poor scmuck who wants to advertise, can do it here much cheaper then a 1/2 minute TV spot.

In real life - you know a finite # of people. You make judgement calls on humanity based on people at school, family and friends, the few other people you meet in life, and the news. On the internet, you're connected to the world. You "meet" many more people. Yahoo chat rooms, for example - to me, it's a joke. It looks like people who just want to act internet tough, and prove they have thick skin - when in reality, they prove just what you observe, that they're ignorant and batantly stupid. The internet really is a place of freedom with very little boundaries. It shows that a majority of people are in it to take advantage of such freedoms. I don't know why people can't embrace the good things given to them - I think freedom is a good thing. But internet freedom gets abused by all walks of life.

Is this place real life? No - it's worse and better. The ONLY thing better is the lack of human contact - people can act so tough here, throw threats your way, but for the most part, it's all a joke. Yes, there are some who take advantage of their invisibility, and portray themselves to others in a way - then people meet over the internet - but some use it for evil purposes. Yes, this all happens in real life, but just a lot less on the internet. But it's worse then real life because of the lack of boudaries, regulations, laws, rules, and the inability to fully police the internet. So poeple come to the internet - and can throw the best of verbal tyrades without worrying that they need a get-out-of-jail-free card.

As a parent - and someone who uses the internet daily - I am trapped in a double standard. I like the internet, but work real hard educating my kids on it's dangers. They have there own computers, and I haven't put software in to limit access. I just hope they are wise enough to use it properly. So my son is 18 - how can I get angry if he was "caught" looking at pornography, when (cough,cough), my computer has passed a few of those sites:rolleyes:. I see no need for kids to have access to porno, but computers are necessary - they're needed in school, and they are a great research tool, and a tool of convenience. So I only hope he chooses not to go to those sites. My daugfhter - 16 - a very impressionable person. I think smart enough not to go meet someone blindly from the internet - but with an impressionable person, one never knows.

That's my take on the internet - at least from my ability to type my thoughts. I take it with a grain of salt - because I am intelligent enough to look beyond the facade of the internet, and find places that are to my liking (like this place). Even though this place is full of blatantly stupid idiots such as myself:D , it's still fun.
I amazes me the pure amount of stupidity and utter bullshit that goes on in these places. Sometimes I just like to sit in a chat and watch people make idiots of themselves. It also makes me glad I can come here for a stupidity detox!

I might as well make this into a discussion. Why do you think so much of the web is polluted with such blatant racism, homophobia, ignorance, irrationality, and just plain bullshit and stupidity?

...You noticed that too, huh? :lol:

It's fun, especially when people think you are being serious when you are not (...looks at lina and remembers the time when she actually thought that i was REALLY 13yrs old... :lol: ).

:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Trapped
It's fun, especially when people think you are being serious when you are not (...looks at lina and remembers the time when she actually thought that i was REALLY 13yrs old... :lol:
huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, lol, sorry. :p

As to the original question, yes, it's because it's only made up of the same people from real life. BUT up until recently, this forum didn't seem to have many. Now it's full of them. Very disappointing. I come here to get away from those people, not be bombarded by their ignorance.
Personally, i think it's because people try to behave in "real life". So when we are making judgements based on the people we know at school, work, etc, we are judging them when they know they are being judged. People subconsiously sensor themselves in real life, not actually saying everything they think, for fear of being judged to be a bad person.
On the internet, there isn't really a PERSON connected to the words. Although tons of people talk on here, you can convince yourself that your words won't have an affect on anyone - especially not a negative affect.
So people actually let out the bad stuff that they would regularly sensor.

For example, there has recently been some name-calling based on someone's weight (which i think shouldn't have been a factor). Now, if you were walking down the street, and you started into a conversation with this person, would you start calling him/her a "planet" to their face? This is why i try to be as true to myself in the "real world" as i am on here. I wish more people would have some decency. The truth makes me sad :cry:
Yes, one of the things I enjoy most about the Internet is the anonymity and I agree that it under ordinary circumstances allows for greater flow of information and less suppressio of thought than face to face conversation. I should know, being until recently one of the few faceless people on this forum.
Originally posted by Lina
huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, lol, sorry. :p

As to the original question, yes, it's because it's only made up of the same people from real life. BUT up until recently, this forum didn't seem to have many. Now it's full of them. Very disappointing. I come here to get away from those people, not be bombarded by their ignorance.

Be careful - you'll be categorized as an elitist :D We can say this a million times - but we will be shot down - I'm not sure if people really get it, or care to :cry:
Like everyday life though, if someone doesn't get along with the lot of regulars, after a brief time, they do seem to go along their merry way and find a "better place" for themselves to call home on the internet. I'm not leaving here though so you guys better be used to me by now. ;)

I have noticed a few times that (yes thinking of my posts later that day) I'll think "Did I really type all that?" It takes quite a bit of ignorance to push me to reveal anger. The only thing that's different about me in this forum compared to being with friends at home is I speak up more. I share more thoughts here.

"Spiraling to the ground below,
Like autumn leaves left in the wake to fade away."
Originally posted by Opet
. The only thing that's different about me in this forum compared to being with friends at home is I speak up more. I share more thoughts here.

It's definately a wierd phenomenon about this place. Speaking up and sharing more thoughts with (I was going to put nameless and faceless people here, but we've had name and picture threads) people we've never met beyond our computer screens.
Sum it up in one word: Humorous. It's damn funny to post racist, homophobic, ignorance and the like, and get flamed back. When you get on the net, you can say what you want, with no repercussions. Also, when you start flaming someone who appears to be the minority, it feels maliciously good to have everyone else jump the band wagon and flame that person with you, and you get an air of superiority. That's it, imho.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

It's definately a wierd phenomenon about this place. Speaking up and sharing more thoughts with (I was going to put nameless and faceless people here, but we've had name and picture threads) people we've never met beyond our computer screens.

I know. Even with other foums and friends I'm pretty close to online I've never shared this much about me. There's something about this place.
Originally posted by Belial
There's something about this place.

It's gotta be the banana :lol:.

For myself it's the honesty among many other things. Honesty is a rare quality in people these days.