Chatting Thread ptII: The saga continues!!!

Originally posted by Trapped
I'm fuckin' tired too.

I have been trying to get my resume' done so i can get a job. I lackt he confidence to actually hand it in anywhere, so i'm screwed.

Trapped = Unemployed.

Unemployed = Broke and Bored

Broke and Bored = Unhappy

Unhappy = Lonely

Lonely = Unhappy

and so on... and so on...
Get a job dude!
Metalized = 7% + insanity² X the square root of (narrot² - trapped²) - (Trapped + Unemployed/bankrupt)³ + 2
and this leads to:
bankrupt={(no bying CDs * LPs + Solitude Aeturnus)/(Metalized making fun of you cuz you don't have CDs of Death or the Boxset even [you moving to Greece-Australia]9.99$)}+(both going to Germany to meet Narrot and get all music money can buy>=<34.5678)

but if you extract the monthly salary of metalized you get this
Metalized+Trapped=Bankrupt both/Metalized sells cars and CDs-LPs * Commiting suicide= No more beers.
Originally posted by Trapped
Metalized = Committed to Mental Institution for Babbling. :grin:

:lol: :lol:
Babbling? What is that? I have been commited to mental institutions several times but never for babbling...buahahahhahahahadahh