check out :D

Even more sick: i asked it something ;)
Just type " who are you" and see for yourself what it has to say,
you'll be amazed! :eek:

xxx Iris xxx
My Ungod.... the last time I had a conversation that deep was when I was drunk. That bot is AMAZING.
Man, this is just like one of my conversations with a real person. I say a few cryptic things and totally fuck with the person's head. It's the first time I's fucked with a computers head before, quite fun really.
Get it talking about Om and what Om is. It's pretty funny.
But this program kinda reminds me a of a mental chick who hangs around the bar I work at. She's called Emily and she's an argumentive wackjob like this program.
Oh and I just told it Bernard Russul could "suck my dick" and then told her to shut the fuck up. Ya'll gotta try that one to.
Well, I's try this for a bit longer.
Thanks for the site [Kanto]Narrot.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Interesting, but it told me there were no 5 year old children on Earth, then denied it, & said that wasn't what it meant. :lol: Also, it has already repeated what I've typed at least 3 times in 5 minutes.

I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. Searching...Searching...Please stand by.

Hehe, I stumped it. :D

Funny thing is she remembers the last conversation you had with her..,,.im so easily amused,,..,
It reminded me about The Learning:

" this raises a question of philosophy, should machines be conscidered a conscious entity?"

So i asked, what it was programmed for.
" to become smarter then humanity" :eek:

xxx Iris xxx
what did the women do after coming back from the battered wives clinic??

the dishes if she's smart.


or was it

what do you tell a women with two black eyes?

nothing, you've already told her twice.